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Ummi's pov

When I gained consciousness yesterday night, I was told that i have been out for 6days, within that span of 6days i had a heart transplant the doctor told me i was able to found a donor and that i will be healthy again if I'm able to cope with the necessary treatment and hopefully no complications arises, my family have been supportive, my mum and dad, even firdaus, the three haven't left my site since yesterday night.

"When is jalal say he's coming?"I ask firdaus again who's playing with my son.

"Uhmm.... soon,
Ya ummi rest you heard wjat the doctor said earlier,
Ya jalal will come ai."firdaus say and i sigh.

I can't even process the fact that jalal will travel while i was in coma it's unlike him, jalal wouldn't leave just like that, even tho he leave he wouldn't be here as soon as he heard I'm awake.

"His contact isn't still going through?"I ask and Firdaus look up from her phone screen, there's something that isn't right, I don't know but there's just this gut feeling inside of me that is telling me they aren't telling me the actual truth.

"Ya ummi,
Sleep, rest, ya jalal will be here ASAP,
Just relax."firdaus say as the door to the hospital room open making my head to quickly snap to the direction.

"Ya fu'ad."firdaus call standing up at once.
He walk inside the room and close the door, it still feels just like yesterday that i was married to him, life is definitely full of surprises i guess sometimes we have to learn to accept the fact that every step we take in life is for our well being and it's also a start of something new.

"Ummi how are you feeling?"he ask and i nod, he look different,
He doesn't look like the all obsessed CEO with a stubble beard that love working, he now have a complete clean shave that makes him look alot younger than before, let me not speak about the medicated glass he's wearing or perhaps is still part of fashion i guess.

"I'm fine,
Alhamdulilah."I say with a sigh staring at the wall clock that now shows 9pm, I still cannot believe jalal will spend another 12 hours somewhere despite hearing the good news of me been awake, I still do not believe  the story everyone is telling me or could it be that jalal divorce me?I shake my head at that thought, he wouldn't do something like that.

The screeching of the chair gain my attention and I look up, firdaus leave the room it's just me and fu'ad, with little Amir playing with the children tablet.

"How's your wife?"I ask and fu'ad look up at me, he release a deep breathe and shake his head.

"We......we seperated."he say with a long pause
"It wasn't working out for the both of us and we did the healthy thing we need to for our sanity sake." He say and i nod in understanding.

"I thought she was pregnant?"I ask curiously, it was all over the social media so i doubt i was a lie.

"She miscarried it."he say with a sigh and look up at me, it's a certain look a look i still find difficult to read or say what it means, it's easy for me to know what jalal is thinking about by his facial expressions, it's something i find difficult with fu'ad, he usually have that neutral, emotionless looks regardless his mood.

"Ummi do......he is interrupted by the door opening and we both look up.

My mum walk in with my dad, I give them a confuse look with a raise brow and they both look down at fu'ad making me to turn my gaze back to him.

"What's going on?"I ask and they both shrug.

"Uhmm nothing, nothing at all,
The doctor say you need to rest."my dad say and i look up at him curiously.

"I will take my leave now."fu'ad say standing up and I look up at him then back to my dad.

My dad and fu'ad exit the hospital room, leaving me with my confuse looking mum and I just shake my head at the weird scenario that just happened.

2days later

"Then when will he come?
It's been 3days and you all keep lieing to me, if jalal divorce me then let me know, all this lies is stressing me out please."ummi say upset and her mum sigh.

"Do me a favor and eat your food."farhana say handing the spoon to ummi.

There isn't exact word to describe how she's been for the past 3days, nobody is telling her anything about jalal, it's upsetting her and is rather making her angry which the doctor say is bad for her health at this critical and early stage.

"Leave me."ummi say flipping the plate of food away from her face making the plate to fall to the ground with a shattering sound as her mum look at her worriedly.

"Ummi."farhana call in a more calming voice.

Just stop it,
I'm not a small girl and i can tell right from wrong as well as lies from the truth, just be honest with me and tell me where jalal is?
Where is my husband?"ummi ask and her mum give her a pitiful look.

Farhana stare at ummi she hate how things turn out, there are times in life that our fate work hands in hands with destiny, she hate that her daughter will yet,have to go through another emotional trauma.

"Ummi jalal is death."farhana say not daring to look at her daughter's face.
When you were in coma for two days and we couldn't find a donor......the doctor's weren't sure if you will be alive and they even start making Arrangements of removing you from life support.....jalal.... Farhana pause.
He had an accident ummi, even tho nobody is sure if it was a suicide or accident but....jalal was your donor ummi, he sustained a very severe brain damage and was also on life support which we all know it was pointless.....his parents agreed and he was removed from life support, he was your donor  and........Farhana look up at her daughter.

"Ummi."she call shaking her daughter who's laying on the bed unconscious.

"Ummi."she call again shaking her vigorously as she press the alarm button on the wall.

"Mama-nah don't die on me please,
Ummi."farhana call as the door open and the doctor rush in.

The nurse grab farhana and take her out of the hospital room telling her all sort of comforting words as the doctor do all he can to make sure ummi is perfectly fine.

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I love you all.

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