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when everyone keeps telling ummi that the iddah she's embarking is irrelevant because Islamically her iddah ended when she put to birth she ignore it all, she just want to make sure she pay that respect to fu'ad she believe he deserve it, there relationship is now back to normal, some days fu'ad take the days off and even spend it with her and the kids, other days the two become overwhelmed by the intense situation going on between them because sure enough that feeling they once shared is still there.

Standing by the window of her bedroom ummi stare at the hazy cloud, her twin brother went out with the boys earlier so they aren't back, few days ago when she was on video call with fu'ad and she heard him calling someone like Raziqah she just find herself upset for no reason, she knows she isn't supposed to feel that way because she know fu'ad no longer belong to her, they are world apart and can never be together no matter how badly they both are yearning for each other.
   The first droplet of rain hit her window at thesame time the silver gate open making her to look down as her brother black Mercedes-Benz G-waggon drive into the compound, she watch from where she's standing as the familiar man step out of the car helping her brother with the two boys as her brother hurriedly pack the  bags and they both saunter to the main building.

Ummi facepalm with a sigh, she close her curtain and walk back inside the bedroom and sit on the bed, she pick her phone and stare at the picture on the screen, it's a picture of fu'ad and the boys she sigh and drop it back and stand up just in time someone knock on the door.

"Like wtf is wrong with this Little grandpa the guy is not nice,
Ummi take your son, he keeps crying and we have to leave even before the film is over, they sent us out of the cinema."her twin brother say handing the little boy who's crying to her as the door open .

"I wanted to watch that film so badly,
Remind me never to go out with this guy anymore."jalal add entering the bedroom with the baby on his back strap in a baby carrier as he drag the multiple baby bag on the floor.

"Granny Amir is it true?"ummi say swaying the little boy who's not crying anymore making her to smile.

"He act like the little one,
Little mr F. Is gentle than him,
From all indications this your granny ended up carrying all the attributes of grandpa Amir neh, he's always grumpy."Abbbah say sitting on the edge of the bed with a sigh as ummi smile at him with a chuckle.

When did you come jalal?"ummi ask glancing at him as he struggle to remove the baby carrier straps.

"Few hours ago,
Abbbah picked me from the airport."jalal say as he successfully remove the baby carrier making him to sigh in relief.

For jalal he is certain ummi is the lady for him, he adore her and care deeply for her, he is not very sure if ummi feels thesame way, but now that she completed the iddah that she forcefully embark on he will want to bring up the topic to see what her thought about it might be.

"I need to change."Abbbah say and stand up from the bed.
"I will see you in a jiffy."jalal say and abbbah nod before exiting the bedroom.

There's a long silence before jalal decide to break it.

"Ummi."he call and she look up from the little boy who's now asleep to him.
"I.......now that you've finished the iddah i will wa.......

"Jalal."ummi call interrupting him, she do know where the conversation is heading to so she will rather stop him.

"Jalal I'm not ready to start any relationship, yes you are a nice person and........ there's just alot going on in my life right now , I don't want to add relationship responsibilities to it."ummi say and jalal stare at her for a while.

He know very well ummi and fu'ad are still hovering each other but it's unfortunate that at the end of whatever the two can never be together.

"I will just take my leave."jalal say and drop the little boy who's sleeping on the bed.

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