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Fu'ad rather find it odd and hard to believe that he's married to the girl sitting from across the hospital room,
He couldn't remember when and how,
Even tho the doctor told him he's suffering a partial memory loss whatsoever but he still refuses to agreed to the fact that Raziqah called off the engagement and for him not o find a better girl to be with only for him to end up with the chubby girl next to his mum is rather impossible to him.

"Magaji I will be going home now,
Ummi will take care of you,
If you need anything just tell her,
The doctor already assure me tomorrow you will be discharge."his mum say and fu'ad look up at the middle age woman that he look soo much alike with.

"Mummy why won't you just go with her, if i need anything i will call the nurses, I'm fine."fu'ad say and his mum throw him a glare that makes him press his lips together with a sigh

"Do me a favor and be nice to this girl, she's your wife, just because you have a slight mental issue doesn't mean you will do as you pleased, wani iskanchin banza da samun wuri."his mum scold and ummi just stare worried at her husband.

How can this happened to him, they where happy regardless the few times the he spend with her, she quickly avert her gaze back to her phone when she sees his head turning to her.

"A aiko mun da gurasa."he grumble and his mum grab her handbag.

"Firdaus will come with it in the evening,
Ummi."she call and ummi stand up  with a smile.
"I will go home, firdaus will bring dinner for you, do you want anything in particular?"her mother in-law ask and ummi shake her head.

"Nima zanchi gurasan." ummi  say making fu'ad to have an annoying frown on his face as he shake his head.

"Okay."her mother in-law say and ummi help her with the handbag, they exit the hospital room and her mother in-law stop by the lounge.

"Ummi be patience with him,
I know this is difficult, but you heard what the doctor said earlier, hakuri zamuyi kafun muga yadda Allah zaiyi.
Right?"her mother in-law say worriedly and ummi nod with a weak smile.

"Insha Allah mummy,
Uhmmmm please.......mummy send some tuwon dawa for me."ummi say and her mother in-law give her a suspicious look but didn't comment.

"Firdaus will bring it,
Just go and rest, ignore him
Magaji  can be overwhelming sometimes especially if he's sick."her mother in-law say collecting the handbag from her and she nod.

Ummi wait until her mother in-law leave the hospital room lounge before she release a heavy breathe, she watch the police officer collect the handbag from her mother in-law before she close the lounge door with a heavy sigh of exhaustion.

It's been a long torturing days for ummi, no matter how close she try to be with fu'ad he refused to give her even the slightest face, he always have an unpleasant scold on his face whenever he's talking to her and calling her fat which rather upset mama the more.

"Then do me a favor and send them to me, what rubbish, just because I'm having a slight health problem doesn't give you the odersity to start acting like the CEO, making decisions without my concert,
as per what?
I said don't sign the contract, is it your company, if you upset me this evening i will fired you."fu'ad upsetting thunderous voice echo around the hospital room as ummi walk inside.

His eyes dart to her and the frustration in him just multiply, doubling his anger, to why he can't remember a single thing about his life for the last few months.

"Then you are fired,
Nonsense,."fu'ad say and end the call throwing the phone out of frustration on the bed.

Ummi just stare worriedly fu'ad, he's been acting aggressive and snapping even at the most smallest thing, the doctor told them they will have to be Patience with his odd behaviour because it's always frustrating for people with his condition.

Stop staring at me with those big fat eyes of yours,"he snap and ummi just keep staring at him.

This is not fair."ummi say with a pout and fu'ad snort.
"This is difficult for everyone to, for me especially,
we are married
Despite the circumstances of how you married me we were happy."ummi say breaking down and fu'ad shaje his head.

"Did you know who Raziqah is?
Did you know what she look like?
How can Raziqah call off the engagement only for me to end up with someone like you?
This story is unbelievable."he say and ummi flick her tears with a sniff and stand up from the couch she's sitting.

For ummi she cannot bare the pain of hearing all those horrible words coming out from fu'ad mouth, she quietly leave the hospital room ignoring the mean things he's saying about how she looks.

"Do me a favor and close the door if you leave,nonsense."fu'ad say and ummi close the door with a sigh, she sit on the couch in the lounge and clean her face with a sniff.

This isn't how she imagine her marriage life to go, fu'ad was he perfect man, how can he forget everything soo easily there has to be a way for him to remember her, to remember them, the little time they spend with each other is enough for him to remember her, ummi lat on the three sitter couch and decide to take a quick nap maybe that will help her gain the slightest hope.

Fu'ad pov

Staring at the girl sleeping on the three sitter couch i release a heavy breathe of exhaustion, how can i not remember anything about her, firdaus sent me some few pictures and videos of us, we did look happy,
But how is that possible?
Raziqah left me?
I still find it hard to believe,
Ther are alot of questions i need answers to, honestly I'm not a fan of chubby girls, this ummi girl is not ugly but she can't stand a chance with Raziqah, I love high class ladies with standard and this girl i call a wife has been wearing this long abaya since i was brought to this hospital.

"Sallamu'alaikum."the familiar voice say opening the lounge door and I look up at my sister.

"Ya......she pause and look between me and ummi before shaking her head and head inside the main hospital room.

I stare at ummi for a while and shake my head, she's a deep sleeper, I walk back to the hospital room and my sister is sitting on the bed.

"Ya how are you feeling?"firdaus ask and I shrug sitting on the edge of the bed.

How well do you know this ummi girl?"I ask and my junior sister give me a certain look before sighing.

I listen attentively as my sister begin explaining everything in details to me, from when Raziqah call off the engagement, to her dating me cousin, to me marrying ummi, to how our marriage life was like, for some reason i feel guilty, but why do i find it difficult to have that connection with her again, it's either this work out or we go our separate ways because i honestly cannot remember a single thing no matter how hard i try.

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