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Walking to the front porch as she struggle with her handbag to remove the ringing phone ummi hurried her steps and at thesame time fidget with the handbag , after successfully removing the phone from the handbag she sigh and swipe the screen.

"Hello firdaus."she answer placing the phone to her ear as she stare at the gloomy evening sky that have a promising dark cloud a sign the heavy rainfall will fall later that evening.

"Yeah I'm home,
Fu'ad isn't coming back today, he just called and let me know."ummi say with a sigh as she stare at the familiar man walking towards her.

"It's alright,
Until i see you then."she say ending the call at once not wanting to prolong the conversation with the lousy teenage girl.

"Hey."jalal say walking to the front porch.

"Hey j,
I thought you left ?"ummi say grabbing the door handle and open the heavy German black door.

Will be leaving tomorrow,
Did your brother call you?"jalal ask curiously and as if reading his mind, her phone start ringing and she turn the screen to jalal with a chuckle as she sit tiredly on the black couch.

"Yes Ya Abbbah."ummi answer with a smile as she grab the remote but pause  trying to pay attention to what her brother is saying.

"Are you drunk ya Abbbah?"ummi ask curiously as she look at the phone screen as if she will miraculously see him but place it back to her ear.

Jalal who's Standing with his hand fold to his chest staring at ummi as she worriedly try to pay attention to whatever her brother is trying to say on the phone shake his head.

"Okay, okay,
I'm home,
Sai ka Zo." Ummi say and end the call with a sigh.

What where you saying again?"she ask jalal who quickly shake his head dismissing the topic, he did saw her brother earlier and they've discussed a pretty sensitive topic regarding her family that he's sure when the truth get to reveal to the rest of the family it's going to cause a massive chaos he honestly can understand why abbbah chooses to drink at this crucial time.

"No nothing,
I, well just want to cook something."jalal say and head for the kitchen making ummi to chuckle.

"Good for you then,
Firdaus say she's coming,
Ya abbbah is also on his way and I'm so not ready for a lousy house this evening,
I need to shower and try calling fu'ad to see if i can reach him."She say standing up and grab the handbag at once.

Jalal wait until ummi head upstairs before he quickly saunter out of the kitchen and exit the parlour with a sigh, he call abbah and after 3rings he didn't answer making him to sigh.
He know for sure there's no way he do let abbah meet ummi, if by any chance ummi get to know the truth she do probably die of heart attack, he momentarily walk back to the BQ apartment to grab his car key as he at thesame time answer his mum phone call.

Aabbbah's POV

I know know for sure every family have it own struggle, and there are certain secrets everyone try so hard to bury for the fear of losing there family,
Sure I'm a dedicated Muslim, I once suffered drinking problem it's something i take advantage of to get my mind off my scrappy relationship life, as i  stagger out of the bar I try to process the information that put's me in this state, how will my mum even take this sensitive information when she find out and as bad as i want to keep it to myself i can't,
I need to tell my twin sister, I exit the bar and clumsily walk to my car with a sigh as i fidget with the car key and after a while i successfully open the car door, I hop in and sit with a sigh before shutting the door.

"You can't be with her because she's your sister"that word keeps echoing in my ear, I have a sister, a sister I unknowingly fall inlove with and even do some pretty fucked up things i don't want to even think of.

I start my ignition and start the recklessly 30minutes drive to my sister house, by the time i arrived there my head ache alot and my vision is half blurry, I try to maintain my balance and walk to the front  door pushing the door at once.

"Firdaus."I call touching the girl on the face as she remove my hand from her face, from my blurry vision I could see how irritated she looks as she grab me .

"Ohhh now you find me irritated,
How about this."I say aggressively grabbing her by the hand and knock her to the floor.

A disturbing below escape my mouth and i don't know what I'm thinking at the moment, my head ache so badly and i gently kneel next to the unconscious body on the floor, staring at her admiringly, I use my finger to make a circle on her face as i chuckle,
Never had i know that the thought running through my mind will be the start of my misery.


Sauntering out of his apartment jalal sigh, his mum sure have a way of always prolonging there conversation, he hastily walk to the main building dialing Abbah contact at once but spot the black g G-waggon carelessly park in the garage.

"Micheal."he call one of the security guard who quickly walk to him.

"Is Abbah in the house?"he ask and the security man nod making him to hastily rush to the building, he storm inside the parlour and halt closing the door shut behind him as he try to process the scene in front of him.

He rush to where ummi is laying down, with the heavy gash on her forehead, her clothes is roughly dragged up and he shake his head in disbelief as he look at Abba who has passed out next to Ummi, his pants is halfway down and jalal knows he doesn't have to process much to know what has  happened at the same time he want to believe none of that happened, he lift ummi up and lay her on the couch in the parlour making sure to adjust her clothes so she wouldn't suspect anything at all if she gained consciousness.

He head to where abbah is laying and sigh, he grab lift the him up, the heavy alcohol smell coming from his body doesn't help, jalal drag him out with him to his apartment behind the house and throw him on the couch.

He sit tiredly on the one sitter couch and stare at abbbah, he can't justify Abba action but drinking has always been a bad idea to solve problems, he sigh with a facepalm hoping neither ummi nor her brother have a recollection of whatever happened between them

End of flashback


"Abbah doesn't even recall anything, he said the last thing he could remember was him coming down from his car anything from there, the memories where hazy and can't recall."jalal explain

Ummi stare blankly at jalal as he narrate to her what happened that day, now that he say everything in details she can get a slight recollection of that day, she did wake up on the couch and keeps Wondering what happened to her, even when she was bathing and spot the whitish colorless liquid she thought it was from her Ex  husband fu'ad

"So firdaus is my sister?"ummi ask and jalal nod.

None of everything make any sense to her, which of the information will she process, the part where her twin brother is the father of her children or the fact that her Ex husband sister in-law is her biological sister, or is it the fact that her father who she truly have soo much trust in betrayed there mum,
ummi shake her head,
Crying seems pointless, regardless how much pain she's feeling inside her heart she couldn't cry because the emotions inside of her is just too much for a single droplet of tears to erase.

"I'm sorry ."jalal say with a sigh as he grab her hand.

Ummi just stare at jalal, how he sleep everyday with this heavy burden buried inside of him is what she can't process, the hospital door open gaining both there attention and her parents walk in, one glance at her dad ummi feel all the emotions inside of her accumulating, jalal could feel it too, how sweaty his wife palms instantly become and he knows at this point there's only two things that will happened,
It's either ummi break the silence or try to get her emotions under  control especially because of the woman standing with there son in her hand his mother in-law.

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