Chapter 2

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Marina's POV:

Well shit, they know. I mean, of course, they would know, who doesn't at this point.  It's all over the radio and celebrity news sites. It's the hot new celebrity drama. I'm just scared of what the fans will say, and honestly, what Lana will say.

"What happened between yall?" Lea said.

"I thought you were close?" Alex asked.

I sighed, I didn't really want to talk about it, but I thought it might help. I sat down in one of the chairs in the shop, and they pulled up two others so they could sit.

"Well," I said with a sigh. "We were really close, like really close, I would ask her for help with everything, relationships, music, life in general, all of it". They looked at me kind of intrigued but also with an really?  I mean, it makes sense, Lizzy isn't too great with relationships, and most people know that. 

"Well, as you probably know Liz-ana, Lana has been causing quite a bit of issues," I said, and they nodded in agreement. "Maybe it's because of all the stress and shit going on in my life right now, and also part of it is my label. But I decided to unfollow her and cut contact for a while until she maybe tones down the controversies".

"Makes sense, you don't want to be ruined because of things she's doing," Alex says. They were wearing black converse that looked slightly worn, ripped skinny jeans, and a guns and roses t-shirt. While Lea was wearing a pink floral skirt, fishnets, a white crop top, a checker with a moon, and some slip-on vans.

"How much influence did your label have?" Lea asked. It's a good question, the answer was slightly embarrassing.

"Too much, plus I'm starting to record my 5th album. I can't risk losing my label. But also part of it was my decision because I can't have her ruin me," I said, I sighed then continued. "But I feel like I'm regretting it, I loved being her friend, our fans loved it too".

"Ain't no time for regret," Lea said, she looked over at Alex.

"Yea, it's time to forget," Alex responded. It made me crack a smile and laugh a little. A cute thing like that always makes me feel better.

"Forget, almost like it fits this scenario," I said. "Things are going worse with Jack, he's still mad about me going to Paris to write by myself, I'm probably going to break up with him soon. I just can't handle it anymore."

"Marina, do what's best for you, but I'd say leave him if you want advice," Lea said.

"I probably will, anyway, I need some flowers," I said. I needed to do something right now, and I wasn't really in the mood for talking.

I choose some nice pink roses, yellow tulips, and some other flowers (A/N: I don't know the names of the flowers, just watch the video above). I started to drive home, and luckily there wasn't any talking, there was just music on the radio station. I was thinking the entire time, about what would happen when I looked at my phone. There will probably be like 100 texts from Jack asking how I am (since we are doing long distance while he thinks about coming to LA), and the probably millions of texts from everyone else, 5 of which would probably be Lizzy.

I made it home and I finally decided I should check my phone. Sure enough there's what feels like about 200 notifications, 99 of them were from Jack, he seemed very concerned. Then the other 100 or so were from various others, some from manager, some from my friends, some from parents even, but then there were a few that stuck out to me. Lizzy.

Lizzy: hey u ok?

Lizzy: what's going on? every celebrity drama site is reaching out to me asking about our friendship.

Lizzy: also I found out what our fans call our friendship. Larina, cute isn't it.

I wasn't sure what to respond, she's too sweet to me. I wanted to text her, tell her everything, but I can't risk loosing my label over our friendship. I hate how much power & control my label has over me, I plan on going independent after this record, but for now I'm stuck with Atlantic. I don't want my socials taken away, and I don't want to be dropped.

I want to tell her, I'm sure she would understand. I just can't, if Atlantic sees me associating with her still, I'm done.

While thinking of my response I figured I could make flower arrangements, and maybe even record it for my fans to watch. Atlantic is telling me to make a "stay home/lockdown diy" video. I set my tripod up in front of the counter, and started recording. (A/N: literally watch the video, it will all make sense). I went through step by step how to make a flower bouquet, and just talked about how I've connected with nature. I edited the video and threw on an Instagram filter, then I sent it to Atlantic for them to upload it.

Something about everything in my head made me inspired to write. I grabbed my notebook with song lyrics, a pen, and went to my desk. My desk is a wooden table with some black metal accents, it's cute and fits my aesthetic here. I set down my notebook, and picked up my pen to start writing.

'With every careless action you let me slip away, if you just bought be flowers maybe I would have stayed'

I really liked those lyrics, they were a good chorus, now just to write the rest. I sang them a few times, and it made me fall in love with them even more.

'And it's most tempting to give in when you hear the firin' shots, when your steps from winning back all the happiness you lost, lost, lost, lost'

I sang the lyrics all together put the new ones before the chorus and it sounded amazing. I loved this song. I wasn't sure what to write next, so I pushed it away. But what I did know was, I needed to talk to Lizzy. If Atlantic catches me, then oh well. I just need to tell her about everything, and maybe she would be able to give me advice too.

I grabbed my phone, and saw the picture of my two cats together in the background, I scrolled through my apps to eventually find the phone app. I opened the app and scrolled through my contacts, eventually finding Lizzy, and I called her.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," she replied. "Are you ok? What's going on?"

"Well a lot is going on, I guess I'll start with everything with you," I said while sighing. It's hard to talk to her about it. "My record label doesn't like all of your controversies right now, and I'll be honest I don't like question for the culture. Anyways, my label wants me to cut contact with you to keep me signed. I just can't afford to lose my label right now".

"Wow, I honestly don't know what to say. Labels suck. But they are controlling you too much," she said. She sounded really shocked. "Who are you signed to?"

"Atlantic," I replied.

"I've always heard bad things about them, but this is the worst by far," Lana said.

"It's sad how much control they have over me, but I just can't lose them now," I said. "But before I go, I need some advice".

"Ok," Lizzy said, intrigued.

"I'm thinking about breaking up with Jack, should I?" I asked, slightly scared.

"From everything you've told me, yes. In fact, please do," she replied.

Hey y'all how are you? I'm back writing this cause I was inspired. Anyways, I love y'all so much remember to drink water and eat something❤️💙🧁

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