Chapter 24

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Lana's POV:

After I dropped Marina off at the airport, I went to Chuck's house. The journey felt like forever, even though it was only an hour. All I wanted to do was cry. I missed her so much. I missed holding her in my arms, feeling her soft, warm breath on my chest, and kissing her tender lips.

I couldn't stop blasting her music. I hoped it would help me feel like she was still next to me. I was desperate for her. This feeling felt so new, like something I had never felt before. She loved me, and I loved her back. I felt cared for and free. I knew she wasn't using me because I'm Lana.

When I finally pulled into Chuck's driveway, she was on her front porch waiting for me. I parked, grabbed my phone and vape, and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Hey," I said, climbing out of my truck.

"Hey," she replied. "Larina's a thing now,"

"Yeah," I replied. "It's one of the best things to happen to me,"

"I'm glad," she said. "It sucks that she just started touring, though,"

"She's so far away," I said.

"What are you going to do while she's gone?" Chuck asked.

"Record," I said. "And hang out with you, mostly,"

"That's what I figured," she said with a little laugh. "I'm your backup plan for when your girlfriend is away,"

"Just like every other boyfriend I've had," I said.

"I think this is the happiest I've seen you," Chuck said. "She's bringing out something in you,"

That made me stop and think for a second. Was it that obvious I didn't love the men I was dating? Being with her has made me the happiest I've been in a while.

"She's the light of my life," I said.

"I knew you two would date eventually," Chuck said. "You always hit off whenever we would hang out. She even met Dad,"

"That's one less parent we have to meet," I said. "I can't wait to see Marina in two weeks,"

I couldn't stop dreaming about us being in Detroit together. I couldn't wait to sit across from her again, getting lost in her brown, sparkling eyes. I was excited to see her dance on stage. The part I'm most excited about is when we come out. We wouldn't have to hide our love anymore. We could be a somewhat normal couple. Plus, it would be fun to do scandalous things backstage.

"Lana," Chuck said. "You alive?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts," I said.

"Were you dreaming of her in a bikini, or worse?" Chuck said, making fun of me.

"No, well, kinda," I said.

"I figured," she replied. "Is she coming home in two weeks?"

"I'm going to see her in Detroit," I replied. "Then, a week after that, I'm going to go around with her,"

"Well, tell me the dates you'll be gone," Chuck said.

"Ok," I replied. "What are we doing today?"

"Well, we are going to bring all of your pets back to your house, clean it up a little bit, pick up Phenoix from Dad, and then figure out the rest as we go," she said.

"Sounds good," I said.

I couldn't wait to see Phoenix. I love her so much. I haven't seen her in forever. I couldn't wait for Marina to meet her.

I was excited for all my family to hear about our dating. I think everyone will respond well. I hope her parents will accept us. Lafina will support us for sure. I hope my parents like us. Dad definitely will, but I doubt Mom would.

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