Chapter 17

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Lana's POV:

I was so happy for Marina. All of her worries were somewhat gone. She still has her label, and they liked me. I was proud of her too. Calling out her manager for blatantly making up shit was so amazing. That's my girl, though, and I love her so fucking much for that.

Suzi is a major issue. She definitely hates me because I'm dating Mar. I'm 99% sure she likes Marina. If she doesn't, I'd be shocked. Marina would never admit it. Suzi treats her like shit too, but it could be like how boys act when they like you. Either way, she needs a new manager.

After she finished changing, we said goodbye to the band and walked out to her car. I reached out for her hand, and she happily grabbed onto it. Her white sweater with black leggings hugged her curves perfectly. She looked gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring. The fact she's my girlfriend too is insane.

We got to her car and jumped in. Her phone connected and continued playing 'Hits station'. When she pulled out of the parking lot, we started talking.


"Mar, have you ever considered getting a new manager?" I asked softly.

"Trust me. When this tour is over, I'm going to start looking. I can't stand Suzi," Marina said.

"I can see if my manager will take you until you can find your own?" I said. I don't want her to be near Suzi alone. I'm scared by thoughts of what could happen alone. I have fears for Marina's safety. I don't trust Suzi at all.

"He probably wouldn't want to deal with me. I have a tour starting Wednesday. He already has you, and you're a handful," she said. It made me chuckle, but I was still anxious.

"Babe, I'm scared for your safety. I don't trust Suzi one bit. I don't want you alone with her. I trust you, but I can't trust her. My worst nightmare is her backing you up against a wall again and making you fuck her. I love you too much to have you go through that," I said. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Love, I promise nothing will happen. If it makes you feel any better, I'll bring someone with me whenever I'm in the same room as Suzi," she said. "I love you, Lizzy."


"I love you more, Mar," I said.

"What are our plans for tonight?" Marina asked.

"Well, in an hour, we have to go pick up something, and then I was thinking about doing a mini date night," I said, smiling a bit. "Then tomorrow, I was thinking we could do a date day, and walk around parts of LA, maybe take a walk on the beach. Do cute couple things".

"Love, that sounds amazing!" she said excitedly and with a smile.

"My car is at your house, though, so we're gonna have to go there first," I said.

"Should I dress up for this date night?" she asked.

"Only if you want to. I plan on doing my makeup," I said.

I was so excited about our date night tonight. I was excited about how the night was going to end too.

"Ok, I'll dress up!" she said excitedly.

"Also, we have to stop by my house, too," I said. "I also have to get some things at the grocery store, even though I hate going to grocery stores," I said, sighing.

"We can stop and get a few things you need. Why do you hate them? I don't particularly like going grocery shopping, but I don't hate it," Marina said.

"Every time I go grocery shopping, paparazzi finds me. They either take a million secret pictures of me or ask me a million questions. it's quite annoying," I said. "I guarantee that if they see us together, it'll be a combination of both."

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