Chapter 58

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Lana's POV:

"Hey, Lizzy," Mar said. "I'm gonna go out to the bus and take a nap,"

"That sounds good, baby," I said, kissing her. "I'll see you out there in a little bit,"

I smiled as she walked away and waved to her but truly I was frowning. She's been acting weird ever since she got up. I hope she's feeling ok. Maybe I'm just paranoid about her. I hate to see her hurting. Last night was pretty exhausting and we were up late.

"I hope she's ok," I said.

"You guys were up pretty late last night," Kayla giggled.

"You guys heard us?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah," Dani said. "Three rounds in one day?"

"Well, we switched last night," I said. "I didn't expect Marina to be that good at topping,"

I trailed off at that last part while giggling.

"WE CALLED IT," Kasha said. "I knew Lana was the top,"

I died from laughter. It was pretty clear who would top from our personalities. To be honest, I've only bottomed 5 times with women. Topping is way more fun.

"It's that obvious, huh?" I giggled.

"We've seen the 'Born To Die' music video," Dani laughed. "If you'll top a man, there's no way in hell you wouldn't top a woman,"

"We switch... once in a while," I giggled.

"Well, that second cumsplosion was loud," Kayla laughed.

"I told her I like it rough, and she delivered," I said dramatically.

I grabbed some skillet-grilled sausage links from the table and put them on my plate. Along with the sausage, I grabbed a waffle and an orange. I spread butter on my waffle and poured a little syrup on it.

"I can name names," I said, grabbing a piece of sausage with my fork. "They drove some big trucks too,"

"Name them," Kayla said.

"YES!" Dani replied.

"Tom... The Diplomat..." I whispered with a giggle. "He was a terrible one night".

"Wait is that the guy who..." Kayla asked.

"Oh, this was before he was on," I signed. "That administration. I mean, his dick fit the energy of them,"

I started to open my orange and eat some of the slices. My mind wandered back to Marina. Hopefully, she's ok out there. Then my mind slipped to the thoughts about our engagement. How I dreamed it would go. Maybe I should ask the band for ideas on how to make it perfect for Marina.

"I need opinions on something," I said. "But it needs to be kept super fucking quiet,"

The girls' eyes lit up. Dani leaned closer and so did Kayla. Kasha sipped on her drink while she moved forward. They looked so intrigued and excited.

Instinctively, I looked around for any paparazzi. They would eat this up if they heard me. I hope they'd have some sense of decency to keep it secret if they were listening, but I know they don't. They would be publishing the biggest moment in my and Marina's life.

"Spill," Dani said.

"I think I wanna marry Marina," I whispered.

Will and Fabian's heads turned when I said the words marry and Marina— a smile formed on my face with a little giggle. Everyone looked so excited but surprised.

"Already?" Fabian said.

"More like finally," Kayla said.

"Seriously?" Will said.

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