Chapter 8

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Marina's POV:

I finally finished practicing preforming Primadonna. Which meant I was about 30 minutes from seeing Lana. I've missed her so so so much lately. She is the light of my life, and the fire of my loins. Although, I doubt she loves me as much as I love her, or that she even loves me at all.

"Ok y'all, lunch break, be back by 1 for continuing rehearsals," my manager, Suzi yelled.

"Hey, can we move that back to two? I'm doing something during the lunch break," I asked. Two would probably give us enough time, considering it's 11:30 right now.

"Ugh, Ok fine but make sure you are back by two, we can't move this back any further," she said in a somewhat annoyed tone.

"Ok, I promise I will," I said. "Oh, and if I bring a friend back to rehearsal will you mind?"

"Sure, whatever the hell will get you here on time," she said.

"I'm normally not that late," I said. "In fact I'm normally on time".

"Sure Marina, I'll forget about the 3 times you were late this week, and the fact you were almost late today," she said. "Have fun, be back by two".

"Ok," I said.

I ran to my changing room and grabbed my keys and purse. I started to head out to my car, the excitement filling my body, but anxiety also starting to appear. What if she's mad about what happened still? What if she hates me? What if she doesn't even like me the same way I like her? I got into my car, and the thoughts intensified.

Anyways about 10 minutes later I made it to the Cafe, only to see Lizzy sitting at a table. Excitement rushed through my body as I walked over to her table. I had the biggest smile on my face. I pulled the chair out and sat down.

"Heyy," she said.

"Hiii," I replied.

"It's amazing we are able to be here together," Lana said. I could feel that she was excited but also nervous.

"I know right! I'm so happy about it. I don't care what the label says, they can drop me if they want. That's their loss." I said. "How have you been?" The expression she made, and the pause in between her answer scared me. Just from that I knew she wasn't fine.

"Oh I've been um... good I guess," she said, hesitancy in her voice.

"You know it's safe to tell me how you feel," I said, putting my hand on her arm.

"I never see you cry," she mumbled in response, looking down at the table. She slowly moved her head up. Looking straight into my eyes. "I've been... well, worse than bad". Tears started forming in her eyes. "I don't want to get into it here, too public, too likely for publicity".

"I agree," I said.

"How have you been?" Lana asked.

"Well, life has its ups and downs, and recently it's felt like more downs," I replied. "Hey, my house is only 10 minutes away, would you like to go there so it's more private?" I asked.

"Definitely, text me the address," she said.

"Ok I will," I replied.

We got up and left, heading back to our cars. I pulled out my phone and texted her my address, she replied back with "ok Xx". That made me smile. I couldn't stop thinking about her, so I put on the "just Lana" playlist I have on Apple Music and started driving.

The 10 minute journey to my house felt like a million years. I couldn't wait to see Lizzy again. Not even listening to her music helped with the journey, in fact I think it made me think about her more. But eventually I made it home, and a few minutes later Lizzy came. When I saw her car a smile filled my face.

"Hey again," I said with excitement.

"Hii," she said, with mixed emotions but more happiness.

"Here follow me," I said, while we walked into my house. "You can place your stuff wherever, make yourself comfortable".

"Wow, you have a nice place," she said looking around.

"Thank you love," I replied.

I walked over to my couch and sat down, she followed. I could tell there was something on her mind. I wish that it was about me and her dating, but I knew it wasn't.

⚠️TW: Alcohol addiction/ abuse⚠️

"What's on your mind love?" I asked.

"Umm... well..." she said with hesitancy. "I... umm...".

"It's safe to talk to me, but only if you want to love," I said.

"I got back into drinking, heavily drinking. It's been bad. It might even be worse than when I first started drinking," she said with a sigh.

"Oh my, Lizzy, when did this start?" I asked scared. I love her so much, I can't have her be unsafe.

"Do you want me to be honest?" She asked, fear in her eyes. "Right after you were forced to cut me off". Tears started falling.

"Lizzy, if only I knew, I would have tried to do something," I said, with tears filling my eyes. I just couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what you could do," she said.


"Well, now we are back together, I never want you going down that path again," I said. "I love you too much to lose you," I mumbled hoping she didn't hear, my head hanging down.

"What did you say Mar?" She asked, with interest and a little smirk.

"I said I love you, and I can't imagine losing you," I said, louder but still not too loud. Anxiety filled me, I didn't expect to tell her that I loved her yet.

I started panicking, I needed to apologize. "I'm so-" I said, before she cut me off. She placed her hands on my face and lifted it up, and slowly put her soft lips on mine. I kissed her back, and it was the best 1 minute ever. The girl of my dreams kissed me back. It felt incredible. I wrapped my arms around her.

She eventually pulled back, and looked me in the eyes. "Mar, I love you too," she said, with a smile on her face.

I looked over at the clock which read 1:07, we had a good hour left til I had to go back to rehearsals.

"I have to go back to rehearsals at 2, wanna get ice cream before that? Also, do you want to come with me to rehearsals?" I asked.

"Of course I would love to babe," she replied. We aren't officially 'dating', but we sure as hell act like it.


Hey y'all how are you? I hope y'all like this chapter. I love y'all.

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