Chapter 21

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Marina's POV:

There was so much to stare at, but my favourite sight was Lizzy. Her luscious brown hair and sparkling emerald eyes. How was I lucky enough to call her my girlfriend? I couldn't wait to get to the beach with her.

"Ready to go down to the beach, darling?" she asked.

Her beauty was indescribable, and the new pet name was adorable. I loved the "darling". It reminded me of 'Cherry'.

"Of course, μωρό," I said.

"Is that a new pet name?" Lizzy asked, a slight smirk spreading on her face.

"Yes, it is, only because I heard you call me a new one. I love it," I replied. "Yours is 'baby' in greek." (A/N: don't come after me if it's wrong. I used google translate, lmao)

"My half greek half welsh mommy," she said, grabbing my hand.

She started walking forwards. Eventually, the Venice mural came into view. We crossed the street to get a better look at it.

"I've always loved 'Touch Of Venice'," Lizzy said.

"That could be a song for your new album," I said.

"Make a Norman pt. 2," she said, looking at me with a really look.

"Yeah, it could be a cute song," I said, thinking of some lyrics. "My sand heart crumbles without a touch of your wavey love".

Honestly, all I could think about was the beach. I couldn't wait for my toes in the sand. Having Lizzy next to me while the sea breeze is in my hair has been something I've dreamt about for a while. I just wanted to cuddle up to her while watching the tide.

"Darling, I love that," she said, pulling out her phone. "I'm gonna write it down".

While she was writing it down, I took a picture of the mural. I figured I'd post later, so why not include that?

"Alright, love, ready to go?" I said while she was putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Yes, babe," Lizzy said, grabbing my hand again.

We walked closer to the beach, passing by a lot of sketchy businesses and buildings. We stopped in the middle of the path filled with weird buildings, mostly because I just wanted to look around. In front of us was the "V" art sculpture, and behind us was another mural.

"I love all the art here," I said, looking around more. "It's like they added more to the beauty of nature".

"I love you, babe," she said, kissing me on my forehead.

"Love you more, μωρό," I replied, kissing her back.

We continued walking down the path, passing the skate park. It looked pretty empty, but I figured it was because it was a Tuesday at 2:15. It'll probably be busy again when the teenagers get out of school.

"I've always thought about learning to skate," I said.

"I love skating. We can maybe go skating later," Lizzy said.

"That sounds like it'd be fun," I said. "All the people at the park would probably know us."

"I come here all the time, so I have some people I know there who can teach you," she replied.

"I'd love to meet them. Do you think they'll be there today?" I asked.

"They're here every day after their classes get out, so most likely," I replied.

"Then we'll have to go," I said.

We continued walking down to the beach. When the path let off, my sandals touched the sand. I felt alive and joyful. Having Lizzy by my side made me feel even better. I couldn't imagine how this day could get better.

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