Chapter 44

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Lana's POV:

"Lana, are you sure you're ok?" Kayla said.

I saw the reflection of my face in the mirror as Kasha did my makeup. If I'm being truthful, I'm not ok. Having Marina be in a different room than me scared me. It's killing me not being there for her. It doesn't help that I don't entirely trust her not to hurt herself.

"Well," I sighed. "I'm just worried about Marina, but she makes me the happiest I've ever been,"

"Girl," Kasha said. "We all know you're lying. Are you ok?"

"No," I said, admitting defeat. "I feel like there's nothing I can do to help Marina. She's been getting high so often, but what can I do? Taking away her vape is so hypocritical. I practically forced her to get help, but that won't do shit,"

"Well, you're trying your best," Dani said. "I mean, you're flying her out to LA tomorrow for three days,"

"It's just a desperate attempt at this point," I said.

"Wait, you guys are going to LA tomorrow?" Kasha asked.

I liked the slight change in topic. Talking more about Marina would make me cry, and I don't want to ruin my make-up.

"Yeah! We're seeing my sister, a few friends, and our pets. Marina's begging to go back to Venice, so we're going to do that too," I said.

"What are you guys going to do in Venice?" Kayla asked.

"Well, probably go to the beach and the skatepark," I said. "We'll probably go around and look at the murals as well,"

I couldn't help but smile while we talked about the LA trip. My mind floated back to the first time I took Marina to the beach. She was so happy then, and her smile could light up the night sky.

"Wait, you guys have to go to the Marina Del Rey," Kasha said.

"Don't worry, that was the first place we went," I laughed.

"Lana's probably brought Marina everywhere in LA. She's like the queen of LA," Dani said.

"And the queen of New York City," Kayla smiled, causing me to laugh.

"I thought I posted the pictures of us at the Marina Del Rey and in Venice," I said. "I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't, though. That'd be way too much publicity for me,"

"Your account is private, though," Kasha said.

"Yeah, but the picture still spread," I said with a little laugh. "Sometimes I think about deleting that account,"

"God, if you deleted that account, everyone would be in an uproar," Dani said.

"It wouldn't be that bad," I said. "Don't worry, though. I won't delete it for a while. I have to promo-"

I stopped my sentence when I saw a distressed Marina in the doorway. I ran up from the chair I was sitting in and wrapped my arms around her. My thumb whipped away her tears as she cried into my chest.

"Lizzy," she said, her eyes looking like glass.

"Yes, baby," I replied. "What's up?"

"I...," Marina said between sobs. "I... don't... know,"

I pulled her into her dressing room and sat her on the couch. She cuddled up to me immediately and continued crying on me. It pains me to see her like this. Marina peered up from my chest, causing our eyes to lock. Something about that moment made me hold her tighter.

"I'm scared for tonight's show," she cried. "I don't think I can do it. What if I break into tears in the middle of the show?" I reached for Marina's hand, grabbing it tight.

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