Chapter 15

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Marinas POV:

We all started sound-checking like we were supposed to be doing. The fear Suzi provokes in all of us is honestly insane. Lizzy finally looked back at her computer but with a surprised face. I could tell she was shocked by how we all responded when Suzi walked into the room. I loved how dedicated she was to come to support me on tours. I doubt Jack would have done that. Lizzy and I have only been dating for a day, and she's already a better partner than Jack.

"Ok, guys, gather around," Suzi yelled while walking onto the stage.

We all walked over to her and gathered in a circle. I was facing Lizzy.

"As I've already had to remind Marina of once today, the inspectors from Atlantic will be here today. They are coming after our lunch break. We need to be on our best behaviour and perform our best. It especially applies to you, Marina," she said.

I could see Lizzy rolling her eyes, and I was thinking about doing the same. I'm an adult. I don't need to be told what to do constantly by Suzi.

"Did I really need to be singled out?" I asked, slightly sassy.

"Marina, you are the one whose career this depends on, and you are the one who's breaking a rule that could get you dropped. I don't think you understand how big of a deal this is," she said.

"Fuck the label," I said.

I've told her that so many times. At this point, she should expect it. I mean it every time. I plan on dropping them in a few months, so why should I care. I saw Lizzy whisper something under her breath. I think it was "that's my girl," but I wasn't quite sure.

"Whatever, Marina, we'll deal with this later," she said, irritation in her voice. "Look, this is our last practice before the tour starts. Make it count. Don't let distractions get to you".

I knew that she had directed that towards me. I wanted to say something. I didn't have the energy to fight, though. Suzi's words were starting to get to me. What if the label did drop me? Would the tour get cancelled? If the shows did get cancelled, the fans would be sad, and probably angry. I'd even be depressed over it. Telling the fans would be terrible. Watching all of my hard work be useless would be horrible. I love Lizzy, though, and seeing her smile while I perform is what keeps me going. I was torn. I wanted her to stay for the performances for moral support, but I didn't want to risk losing this tour. I figured I could think it over during this performance session and then ask Suzi what would happen if I did get dropped.

"Ok, guys, let's start performance one," Suzi yelled.

We all ran to our spots as fast as we could. The band started playing the 'Ancient Dreams' intro as I walked back onto the stage. I got to where I was supposed to be and held the microphone to my mouth while swaying my hips. When my queue came, I started singing. I could see Lizzy smiling, which made me smile.

At that moment, I felt free but also controlled. I was like a bird. I was singing as I love, and my girlfriend was singing along. I felt like I was flying freely as the words exited my mouth. But I knew if I fucked up at all. I would be caged again, and the thought of that scared me. If Lizzy left, I don't know if I could perform my best.

When I got to the Robot interlude, I had to talk again. I just came up with something about oranges. I don't know why I chose to go on about Oranges, but I did. I could tell people were holding back laughs.

"Hello everybody, how are you? Oranges are so good. They are perfectly sweet but bitter. They are like Gold. Eat an orange. They will make you have a rainbow follow you. You'll Forget about every Ex you've ever had. Oranges are good for the soul. Now, this next song is from 'The Family Jewels' era," I said, holding back a laugh.

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