Chapter 48

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Lana's POV:

I watched as drops of coffee rained from the machine and into my mug. The coffee steamed as I moved it to my counter and put creamer in it. As I pushed the cup closer to my lips, the more I felt. My body perked up as the first drops of coffee entered my mouth. The warmth helped me feel alive, taking away the post-flight exhaustion.

I opened the door out to the garden and took a seat next to Dad. The birds chirped in the cooler Los Angeles air. I took another sip of coffee as he sipped his water. It was just Dad and I in the garden. Chuck, Jason, and Pheonix had gone home; Marina went to her house to get some things for the weekend, and Charlie was working. I was grateful for the alone time with Dad; however, I was anxious about what he would say about Marina.

Dad turned and looked at me. His brightly coloured tropical shirt reflected his warm smile.

"You know, Lizzy," he said, raising his water to his lips and taking a sip. "I always hoped you would find someone right for you, and I think you did,"

"I think so, too," I smiled.

"Caroline, Jason, Charlie, and I were talking, and we noticed how happy you were," he said. "I don't think I've seen you this happy in years,"

"I'm so blessed to have her," I said. "She's made the best of me come out,"

"Caroline has said the same," he replied. "I've heard she's even trying to get you to quit vaping,"

I paused for a minute as thoughts rushed through my head. She tried to get me to quit vaping until that night. I think both of us still get nightmares about that night. Ever since then, she's stopped trying. As annoying as her pleas to stop me from vaping were, I wish she would continue them.

"Oh yeah, she's been trying," I said with a little laugh, trying to cover up how I felt. "She's gotten me to cut down, though,"

"I'm grateful she's at least gotten that far," he said. I could tell his smile was larger.

"She's forcing me to go to AA tomorrow," I said, sipping my coffee.

"Really?" he said, his voice was filled with excitement.

"Yeah," I said.

"How'd she get you to do that?" he said.

I knew he'd ask, but I dreaded it. I don't want to tell him the real reason. He doesn't need to know. Plus, it's none of my business telling him.

"To make her happy," I said with a slight smile. "We all have to make compromises in relationships,"

Mentally, I gave myself a pat on the back. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either. It was perfect.

"I can tell she cares about you," he said.

"I'm only going because I care about her," I said.

"I'm just glad you're going, Lizzy," he replied.

Dad and I chatted in the garden for another 30 minutes until Marina came home. I met her out front and greeted her with a kiss. My arms wrapped around her. Dad watched from the porch with a face of approval. It felt as if every prayer I said got answered, and all the positive energy in the world was with us.

"I'm glad to be home," I said.

"Me too," Marina smiled, giving me another kiss.

"I love you," I said. Marina's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and her hair had a lighter brown sparkle.

"I love you more," she replied.

Marina and I let go of each other. She grabbed her bag from the trunk of her car and then held my hand as I led her to the door. Dad followed us in but went to the garden while I took Marina to my bedroom. Marina dropped her bag next to her backpack and then looked at me.

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