Chapter 49

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Marina's POV:

⚠️TW: SMUT⚠️

Lizzy's hot, partially clothed body was on top of mine. Her warm breaths and soft lips were attached to my neck, causing me to moan. Her fingertips ran down my boobs and traced little hearts over my bra.

I'm not sure how we got into this position. I was supposed to top Lizzy today, but I'm enjoying this. Hopefully, after I finish, we can switch.

"I don't think we'll need this," she said, moving her fingers behind my back. I nodded, and she smiled as she unclasped my bra.

Her fingers glided back to the front of my body and began massaging my nipples. Soft moans escaped my lips, informing Lizzy of my pleasure. Her lips left slobbery marks all over my boobs when she started to move down. Her hips moved back and forth at a steady rhythm.

"You know what?" Lizzy smirked. "Since you've been such a good girl, I'm going to make this a little more fun,"

Lizzy backed away from the bed and went into her closet. When she came back, she was holding a box. Her smirk grew wider as she set it down. Inside were a ton of different toys. Anything that could exist, she had. Quite honestly, I didn't care how she did it. I just needed her.

"Which one should I use?" Lizzy asked, stalling.

"Please choose. I need you," I replied, desperate.

"Oh, you need me?" Lizzy said, moving her thumb over my underwear. She slowly pressed against me, making me moan. "How badly?"

"Badly," I replied. "I need you to help me,"

"Oh, you do?" Lizzy said, teasing me. I was honestly getting annoyed. All I wanted was for Lizzy to rip off my underwear and play with my clit. Nothing else mattered at that moment.

"YES," I begged. "PLEASE FUCK ME,"

"With how desperate you are, we don't need toys," Lizzy said. "I'll be able to make you cum with just one finger,"


"Ok," Lizzy rolled her eyes.

She pulled down my underwear and moved her head to my pussy. Her tongue played with clit making me moan loudly. It felt amazing. Then, one finger shot up me. She had a fantastic rhythm, causing me to scream her name. The next thing I knew, Lizzy looked up and kissed me, allowing me to taste myself. My breathing was made of pants as I tried to catch my breath. Afterwards, she licked her lips and drew a heart over my boobs with her finger.

"Good girl," she smiled. "You came a bit early, though. I'm not sure if I can reward you for that,"

"Well, you let bad guys fuck you," I said, moving as close as possible to her. I traced my fingers down her body. "Why can't you let a bad girl do it?"

"Maybe, if you're a good girl all day tomorrow, I'll let you fuck me," Lizzy kissed me.


"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "We should probably get ready for bed,"

"I like the idea of sleeping next to you naked," Lizzy smiled.

"But you're family is here," I replied.
"Like they didn't just hear us fucking," Lizzy giggled.

"True," I said with a laugh. "I need a dressing gown, though,"

"Why?" Lizzy asked.

"So I can get Betsy and Bart," I replied with a smile. "I want to cuddle with them while I have them,"

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