Chapter 14

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Marinas POV:

I woke up to the sound of my beeping alarm and Lizzy in my arms. I saw her eyes open, and a smile emerged on her face.

"Good morning, babe," she said.

"Good morning, love," I said. I kissed her on the lips, and we both smiled.

"What time is it?" She asked tiredly.

"6:30 am, love," I replied.

"What time do we have to leave, Mar?" She asked.

"About like 7:30," I said. I started to get out of bed to get ready for practice.

"I'm going to take a shower," I said.

"Ok! I'm going to get dressed, and then I can make breakfast," she said with love.

"Ooo, I can't wait to taste what you make for breakfast," I replied.

I got out of bed and walked to my closet, figuring out what I should wear today. After going through a few outfits, I chose a cute white sweater with some black leggings. I then grabbed my phone from the bed and walked to my bathroom. I connected my phone to the speakers in the shower and started playing music. I decided I would play 'Girl In Red' to fit how gay I feel right now. The first song it played was 'we fell in love in october'.

I started undressing and throwing my clothes across the room and into my hamper. Memories of the night before filled my mind, and a smile started emerging on my face. Lizzy was so good last night. She knows exactly how to make me feel good, and she looked so hot doing it. I can't wait for the day I can top Lizzy and let her feel how good it feels. I'm hoping that maybe that can happen tonight.

I stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit my body. It always feels nice, and I like having this time to myself.  Having the music enter my eardrums and letting my thoughts take over in a calming environment. It's normally what makes me calm throughout the day. I figured I needed to shower quicker today, so I could have enough time to eat breakfast with Lizzy.

After I finished taking a shower, I dried myself off and started getting dressed. I put on some cute, lacy, white lingerie and threw on my sweater and leggings. I walked over to the mirror for the first time today and noticed the hickey marks. Shit. They would take forever to cover up, at least they aren't too dark. I grabbed my makeup from under the sink and started covering up the hickey. I put on a lot of foundation to finally cover it up, she will definitely pay for this whenever I get the chance to fuck her. I finally finished my makeup and blow-dried my hair. I just put a simple wing for my liner and called it good.

I walked out of my bedroom to see Lizzy dressed in a light brown sweater and some cuffed jeans. She was setting the table. She put out some of the square white plates with my silverware. All of it is on my wooden table. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out some of the fruit I have. (A/N: do you know how hard it was to write fruit correctly omg). She started cutting up strawberries, washed off grapes and blueberries, and put them in separate bowls. She walked those over to the table with a plate filled with waffles and some syrup and butter. She finally sat at the table, and I started to walk over there.

"Hey, babe," she said. I walked up to her and hugged her.

"Hii love," I replied.

"How was your shower?" she asked.

"Fine," I said.

We started loading our plates with waffles and fruits. I put butter and fruit on my waffles. Lizzy put butter, syrup, and fruit on hers.

"Hey, since we are dating, we should probably set some boundaries. Things that help with making a relationship work for you," she said.

"I like having time to myself. If I don't have me time, I go insane. I especially need it when I'm writing," I said.

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