Chapter 55

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Marina's POV:

The cold Minnesota air surrounded me as I stepped off the bus. Even my coat couldn't keep the cold out. Excitement filled my body as I walked up to the venue doors. I had my backpack on my shoulders, Betsy's carrier in my right hand, and my bag in my left hand. Lizzy followed closely behind me with her backpack and Bart's carrier.

"Damn, it's cold," Lizzy laughed.

"I had to tour in the winter," I giggled.

"Yeah, what the fuck," she teased with a playful elbow nudge.

The door opened to Dani and Kayla, smiling brightly. They ran out the door and hugged Lizzy and me.

"MARINA, LANA, WE MISSED YOU," they yelled.

"It's been so weird without you, Marina," Kayla laughed.

"Well, duh," I giggled. "Life is strange,"

"We have to catch you guys up on everything! Come on!" Dani said, pushing me into the venue.

Fabian and Will greeted us when we got into the venue. They came up and hugged Lizzy and me. Kasha came from one of the rooms and hugged me.

"Hey, guys," Fabian said.

"How was LA?" Will asked.

"Amazing," I replied. "Warm, too,"

"Oh, fuck off," Fabian laughed.

"I missed you so much," Kasha replied.

"Missed you too," I smiled.

Dani showed me to my dressing room. I sat my bags down and let Betsy and Bart out.

"Oh my god, you brought Betsy and Bart?!" Dani said.

"Yeah, Lizzy surprised me with carriers," I smiled.

"She loves those cats so much that they needed to come with us," Lizzy smiled.

"YOU BROUGHT THE CATS, OH MY GOD," Kayla said excitedly.

"Damn, you guys are more excited about my cats than about me," I giggled. "Cats are way better than anything, though,"

"We expected you, but not these adorable babies," Dani said, petting Bart.

"We need to get them treats," Kayla said.

"YES, WE DO," Dani said. "And toys,"

"Well, we have time to kill," Kayla said.

"I'll let you get dressed," Dani said. "We'll be getting some cat treats,"

"Sounds good," I smiled.

Dani shut the door behind her. I began to pull out the outfit for today's show. I grabbed the shiny, black leather bralette and pant set. As I sat my black fluffy jacket on top of the pants, Lizzy came behind me and wrapped her arms around my body.

"I know you need help getting dressed," Lizzy whispered.

Her mouth travelled down to my neck, where she kissed me.

"Yes, please," I smirked.

⚠️TW: SMUT⚠️

Lizzy glided her hands underneath my shirt and slowly pulled it up. Her fingers slid up my body, following my t-shirt. When the shirt was over my head, she threw it onto the couch.

"You don't need this for right now," she smiled, moving her fingers behind my back.

One by one, she unclasped my bra. She threw me onto the couch behind us and took off her shirt. I took off her bra and threw it next to mine. Our half-naked bodies collided as I began to make out with her. I loved the feeling of her soft skin against mine.

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