Chapter 13

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Lana's POV:


"Are you sure, babe?" I asked.

"Yes, love, please, I've wanted you to fuck me forever," she said.

"Ok, babe, let's go to your bedroom," I said, smirking.

We got off the couch, and I grabbed her waist. She held mine in return, and we started making out. We stumbled over to her room, closing the bedroom door behind us when we got in. I pushed her over to the bed. I started taking off my dress to reveal my bra and underwear. I climbed on top of Marina and tugged at her shirt.

"Can I remove this?" I asked.

"Yes, of course," she replied. She was extremely horny.

I pulled off her shirt, revealing her bra. Her body was gorgeous, and I couldn't stop staring. I started kissing her lips and slowly moved down her body. When I got to her neck, I started giving little bites and sucking on them, making sure to prove she was mine. I could hear her slightly moan as I would give her the hickeys. I continued making my way down her beautiful body, kissing every inch of her, until eventually, I made it to her bra. I started teasing her by rubbing my hands along her bra and nipple.

"Lizzy, take my bra off," she said with a moan.

"Ok, babe," I said.

I moved my hands to her back and up to her bra clasp. She arched her back to make it easier for me to remove her bra. I slipped it off her and threw it across the room. I went back to kissing her chest. I kissed my way over to her left nipple and started sucking on it. Little moans started escaping her mouth. I rubbed the other boob with my hands, making her moans frequent. Then I started kissing my way over to her right nipple and moved my hands over to rub her left boob. I sucked on her other nipple, making her moan more.

"Lizzy - fuck- me," she said in between moans.

"Moan more for me, baby," I said seductively with a smirk.

I went back to sucking on her nipple, and she moaned a lot more.

"Good girl," I said. "Now, for a reward,"

I started kissing down to her pants, having both of my hands playing with her boobs.

"Can I take your pants off, babe?" I asked.

"Please, love, please," she said.

I slowly pulled down her leggings, revealing more of her. When I got her pants off, I threw them across the room. She spread open her legs to allow me to get in. Marina was wearing a black and lacy thong that matched her black and lacy bra. It was almost like she planned for me to fuck her tonight. The pale moonlight coming from her window hit her nearly naked body. She looked like a greek goddess in the moonlight.

I moved my lips down to her thighs and started kissing them. I made my way up to the bottom of her underwear when I moved my hands to the spot my mouth was at and pulled away. I started gently rubbing her clit through the underwear, teasing her throughout. Her moans intensified. I could tell she was getting close.

"Good girl," I said. I figured out that is a kink she has.

"Mommy- please- fuck me-" she said with moans.

"Beg for me, baby," I said.

"Lizzy, please fuck me. I've been a good girl," she said seductively.

"Good girl, Mar," I said.

I moved my hands up to her underwear and pulled them down, throwing them across the room. I slid my hand in between her thighs and up to her pussy. I played with her clit with one finger, her moans got louder, and she started having heavier breathing. I added a second finger, and she kept getting louder. I moved my thumb over to play with her clit and looked for her hole. When I found it, I stuck one finger in and started moving it in and out. Her breathing turned into panting. As I stuck my second finger in, she moaned the loudest I've ever heard.

"Fuck- Lizzy-" she would say with pants and moans.

"Cum for me, baby," I said.

"I'm - so- close," she said.

I stuck in my third finger when she met her climax. Her moans were so loud.

"Lizzy- I'm- I'm- cumming," she moaned.

I pulled my fingers out, and her cum was all over them. I was pretty proud of my work.

"Good girl," I said, sucking on my fingers with her glorious liquid.

"Lizzy- that- that was so good. It's better than any sex I've had before," she said, shaking and panting.

"You learn a few things at boarding school," I said with a little laugh.

"This is so embarrassing to admit, but I've never had sex with a woman before, only men," she said.

"Girls just do it better, we know what we want, and we know what we like," I replied. "We should probably sleep, especially since we have to get up early tomorrow,"

"Sounds good. I'm tired now," Marina said with a yawn.

"I'm going to grab our phones from the living room. You can get dressed and get back into bed," I said.

"Ok, love," she said.


I walked out of her bedroom and into the living room, grabbing our phones and turning off the TV. I walked back in and left a crack in the door in case Betsy or Bart wanted to come on the bed with us. I went over to my suitcase and grabbed my charger for my phone and plugged it in. I grabbed my pajamas and put them on. It was just a 'Guns n' Roses' t-shirt with some black leggings. I went back to lay on the bed and look at my phone while waiting for Marina when I saw a call from my manager. I had to call him back, or else he would think I was dead.

"Hey babe, my manager called, and I have to call him back, just so you know who I'm talking to," I yelled.

I opened my phone to see a picture of my family, which will probably soon turn into a picture of my girlfriend and tapped on the notification that said he called. It dialed for 10 seconds before he picked up.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said. "What were you doing that caused you not to pick up?"

"The most Lana Del Rey things you can think of. Anyways, what's up?" I asked.

"Press is saying you were out with Marina today, and they are theorizing you are dating," he said.

"I mean, they wouldn't be wrong. Is that it?" I said.

"Wait, are you gay?" he asked.

"Well, bi, but is that it, cause I have to go," I said.

"Ok, well, call me when you have a chance tomorrow. I have some stuff to go over now with you and her dating," he said.

"Ok, fine, also I'm gonna send you some dates. Can you see if I'm free for them?" I said.

"Sure Lana, bye," he said.

"bye," I replied and I hung up the phone.

I got into the bed with Marina and cuddled with her.

"What was that about," she asked.

"Press saw us out together, and now they assume we're dating. You know, normally celebrity stuff," I said.

"They aren't wrong but I don't want them to know yet," she said.

"We can deny it for as long as you want," I replied.

"Ok, love," she said. "Also, next time, I want to see if your pussy really does taste like Pepsi cola," she said.

"That can be arranged," I said.

"Good night Lizzy, I love you," she said.

"Good night babe, I love you too," I replied.

We kissed each other and then fell asleep in each other's arms. It was like a dream.


Hey yall, how are you? I hate writing smut, I feel like I'm so bad at it, so sorry for the shorter chapter. Anyways, I love yall so much, remember to drink water and eat something.

Like always, sorry if this is bad I'm writing at 4 am.

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