Chapter 20

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Lana's POV:

I woke up to a naked Marina in my arms. She was so gorgeous. I couldn't help but watch her sleep. I also didn't want to wake her up if I moved. I grabbed a piece of her wavey brown hair and wrapped it around my finger. It was so soft and so beautiful. I couldn't wait for our date day today. Then I remembered she would be gone for two weeks.

I knew I would see her adorable smile with pictures and videos of her on stage, but nothing would beat seeing them in person and cuddling her like this. I didn't want to go back to my house either. Cleaning it would be a task, bringing back memories from the last year and a half.

When her eyes opened, my thoughts went away. A smile filled my face as I saw her glittering brown eyes. I kissed her forehead, which made her smile. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. It's almost like she could sense I need her touch.

"Good morning, babe," I said to her.

"Good morning, love," she replied.

I kissed her lips, and she kissed back. It was just a short kiss, but it made me feel amazing.

"Babe, last night you were amazing. Where did you learn that from?" I asked admiringly.

"I know what feels good," she said, smirking.

"My little bottom," I replied, smirking back.

"I was a top last night," she said with her cute little laugh. "And you, Lana Del Rey, were a bottom."

"Marina, you will always be Mommy's little bottom to me," I said, both of us laughed.

"As long as your topping me," she replied.

"I love you, Mar," I said. "Let's get dressed, and I'll make breakfast."

"Ok, love," she said.

I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed a black and white flannel. Also, a pair of light-wash ripped jeans. I grabbed a nude-colored bra and a black thong. I didn't expect us to fuck tonight, so I kept the bra and thong simple. I put on the thong, then my bra. I put on the jeans and then some deodorant. After that, I put on the flannel. I grabbed my eyeliner from her vanity and started putting it on. Simple makeup looks have always been appealing to me.

I started walking to the kitchen when Bart and Betsy stopped me. Betsy rubbed against my leg, which made me smile. I love her cats, well, all cats, but hers especially. They are so sweet and so cuddly, just like Marina. I sat down next to them on the floor and started petting them. Bart lay down next to me, and Betsy lay on my lap. Having them around makes me miss Niko and Topanga. I wonder how all of them would react to each other. If Mar and I move in together, we will have to find out.

A few minutes later, Marina came out of the bedroom. She wore a light purple shirt that said, "Oops, whatever." She walked over to me and instantly smiled. She loved how much I love her cats.

"This is always going to be my favorite sight, seeing my three favorite things together," she said.

"I love you and your cats," I said, smiling.

"I'm so glad," she said.

"I wonder what Niko and Topanga would think of these two," I said, smiling even more at the thought of us living together.

"I forgot that you even had cats. I haven't seen them at your house," she replied, getting down on the floor.

"Oh yea, they aren't there right now," I said, not wanting to tell her why.

"Where are they then?" she said.

"Chuck's been watching them for a bit," I said.

"Like since you've been staying here?" she asked.

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