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I was so hungry staying in the woods alone for so many days without food. It was hard to go get food without being caught, since his men are all around the forest watching out for me.

I got tired and decided to take the risk and try my luck. After all, I am powerful one among them. I set out to go get food and fill my stomach. I went on a forest hunt. It was so delicious hunting alone and eating alone. I missed meat and flesh.

When I was just enjoying my meal, I suddenly was surrounded by more werewolves. I knew for sure they were his guards. I stood up and set to fight. I can't let them capture and imprison me again after escaping.

I fought them all and more started coming. I knew if I fight harder, they might later be alert and he might come. I had to run.

I started running back to my direction and they followed me. They kept on following me and I knew if I kept running like this, they might get my abode. I decided to use my magic. I used magic to send heavy wind to scatter them and make them blind. By the time they would recover, I was nowhere to be found.

I kept on running and running so that they won't get hold of me. I started to perceive a strong scent from far. It was not of werewolf.

When I got closer, the scent was clearer. 'What was a human doing in a place like this?' I asked myself as I kept running.

I ran pass the human and ran into my home, locked the doors and stayed put for a long time. When I was sure it was safe, I stood up by the mirror and checked myself. I was slightly injured but the wound already healed.

I felt strong and refreshed after eating. "I'll go again tomorrow." I said to myself.

I went to my bed, turned back into a human and slept off. I was really tired running for so long.

The next day, I set out very early to eat and come back. I did a lot of hunting and ate to my fill. When it was getting clear, I decided to get back home.

I started to perceive a familiar scent as I reached my home. I curiously went inside my house and found how neat it was.

"Something's off. I never do the chores. Who tidied here?" I was surprised.

I stormed outside and found out who. It was the same scent it perceived yesterday. Why was this person here?

I walked up to her in anger. Who asked her to tidy my home. She started running as she saw me. What a fool. I caught her quickly and carried her up to make her even with my face.

"I-im so sorry. It was a mistake." She said,fear was evident in her eyes.

My emotions changed from anger to shock. This is not possible. How's this possible. She is my......"M-mate. Impossible."

Sure she was shocked.

"What!" She asked looking lost.

I dropped her on the ground and my face changed back to anger, remembering what she did.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry beast. I lost my way and.....and......"

I started sniffing around her to see if she was telling the truth. She lied. And....what did I hear her call me now? Beast?

"W-what are you doing?" She asked not understanding anything.

"Lies. And I'm not a beast."

"What!" She still looked shocked at what was going on.

I changed into my human form to make her understand things better but........

She rolled her eyes in shock. "W-what j...just happened. Y-you......" She fainted at the shock.

I heard the bed move from where I was sitting. She's awake.

"You're awake." I said as I walked up to her. She was still shocked and scared.

'Why is she scared? I'm a human now. She should be relieved.' I thought.

"Are you alright?" I asked trying to be nice.

"Who.......what are you?" She asked me still looking shocked.

"First, why did you come to my home? And how dare you touch my things?" I asked her in displeasure.

"I-im sorry. It was a mistake. The house was very dirty and I couldn't leave it like that. How do you live in such dirt?"

"That's how I like my life. You're nothing to come and change I for me."

"That's why I said sorry from the start." She was getting more free with me.


"But......who are you." I asked him. I wasn't feeling scared like before. I was kinda relieved being with him. I stood up from the bed and sat down, shifting for him to also sit. He looked at me..... somewhat surprised by my actions. He smiled in disgust. Such proud beast.

"I'm not a beast." He blurted.

I looked at him in shock. 'Can he read my mind?' I asked myself.

He chuckled looking at me. He can read my mind.

"You can read my mind?"

"I'm a werewolf." He said, sitting on the floor.

This person is so surprising. How can leave the bed for the ground.

"What's a werewolf?"

MELTING A WEREWOLF'S HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now