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Ray was starring at the full moon in the sky while I stare at him. He looked so beautiful in the dark. His face was turning to gold color as he transformed back to a werewolf.

I was a little scared seeing his huge body but then, my body came back to normal.

"You want to know how we ended up here?" He asked looking at me as if trying to scare me.

"Yes. I answered with confidence."

"Hmmm....." He grunted.

"My grandfather was the alpha wolf of the pack. Then, we were just little kids. Rui is my elder brother. And our little sister's name was Ann. My parents always told us scary stories about the werewolves, most especially the alpha wolves. They were the King wolves of the pack. The most powerful of the whole werewolves."

"Hmm......" I said. I was imagining Rudolph's power.

"My grandfather didn't like my dad because he didn't fight to become the alpha wolf. He let his younger brother rule. This brought enmity between them, but we weren't affected. My grandfather loved us very much and had high expectations of us. He wanted one of us to become the alpha king wolf.
My brother trained like never before. He was determined to rule over the Pack. He trained day and night. Me and him, we were never close. He was scared of me, and wanted to prove to me that he wasn't."

"Why was he scared of you."

"Because of my powers. The moon goddess gave me supernatural powers. I am a primordial."

"What's a........... primordial?"

"A primordial is a werewolf that has extra supernatural abilities. They are powerful. More like...... magic. As the humans call it."


"Rui thought I could fight him with my powers and kill him. He became fierce and all his aim was to eliminate me and everyone that comes in his way. He brutally killed our parents and my little sister."

I looked at his face. If he was in his human form now, I'm sure I would see tears in his face.

"I'm not crying. I don't cry." I heard his huge voice.

I looked at him and shut my opened mouth. I forgot he could read my thoughts.

"Rui killed my uncle, father's younger brother and also his children. It was a warm on who would be the alpha. He started all these when my grandfather passed away. All thanks to my powers, I would be dead by now."

"Was that why you ran away?"

"Is that not enough reason to run away?"

"Er......it is. I was just asking." He's so hard.

"I became a rouge. Staying in the forest, no home, no pack, nothing. Until now. When you came and ruined everything."

"I did what? I didn't ruin anything. I came to help you."

"Oh wow. What a good job to did helping. You really helped a lot." He scoffed and walked back to the cave.

"Hey......wait. Come back here."

I ran and followed him. He already transformed back to his human form.

"Ramzel!" I called and he stopped.

He turned back and looked at me with daggered eyes. He walked up to me and pinned my back to the cave wall. He looked at me with those blue eyes.

"Don't dare call me that." His voice was hoarse and tempting. Even though he was threatening me, it seemed like he was petting me.

I was speechless as I let every word of his stick right into my heart. 

'Am I already..... falling?' I thought.

"W...ell that's......y...your name." I managed to say.

My heart was racing heavily. The distance between us was only our heartbeats and breathing.

"Call me Ray."

"Why? Because I turn you on when I say Ramzel?"

He turned his face from me and released me. I was right.

He walked inside the cave.

"Ouch...!" I massages my shoulders where he held me. He is so hefty.


"Ramzel!" I stopped immediately I heard that. Why would she call my werewolf?

I turned and looked at her, evidently angry. My werewolf is already taking full control over me. I pinned her to the wall and held her shoulders up.

"Don't dare call me that." I threatened her hardly.

"W...ell that's......y...your name." I heard her say with fear.

I look into her eyes. Those emerald green eyes. They were so seductive.

"Call me Ray." I tried to say. My werewolf was already fighting within to pounce on her.

"Why? Because I turn you on when I say Ramzel?" I looked at her. How can she guess these things right.

I quickly turned my face and released her from my grip. And I slowly walked inside the cave.

"Ouch...!" I heard her say.

I didn't care how she feels. After all, she decided to follow me of her own will. It's not my fault. Whatever happens to her doesn't concern me.

I have so many things to think of. Rui will find me for sure. I should be ready for anything surprising. He's very dangerous.

I lay right beside the sleeping dog. She angrily went to bed. Hmm....... My eyes was wide open. Elena came and lay in the opposite side, also beside the dog. I knew she wasn't asleep. Her eyes was also opened, looking at the moon. I stole a glance at her. She looked very beautiful at night, especially when the moon reflects directly in her face.

'Get your thoughts together Ramzel. You have other important things to do.' I cautioned myself.

"Will you teach me how to fight?" I hear her ask, still looking in the sky. "It will help me assist you."

Hmm...... thoughtful. "We'll start tomorrow."

'What! He couldn't even say no need. You don't need to learn how to fight. I will protect you. I'm capable of that.' I hear her thoughts run through her heard. I smiled hearing that.

'You haven't seen anything. You will regret coming with me.' I said to myself. And smiled mischievously.

MELTING A WEREWOLF'S HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now