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"My name is Rudolph and my werewolf name is Rui. I'm the alpha King wolf of this pack and you are my Luna."

"And what does that mean?"

"It are my mate."

Shocked. What did he just say? His mate?

'Can two werewolves have one mate? Is that even possible? How?' I was clearly shocked.

"'s very possible my dear. In fact, it's happening now." Rudolph laughed wickedly.

"How did you know I'm your mate? You can only know if you see me. And as I know, we're just meeting now. So what's the exact reason you asked them to abduct me?" I asked him with bravery.

" see, I was wondering why the universe would give me a human for a mate, buy now I know why. Its to support me in decision-making. You're intelligent."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"How fun will it be if you hear it? Why don't you see yourself the reason you are here." He said with a smirk.

I looked at him with disgust. He is really ugly. I didn't see Ray's face clearly since we were in the dark, but I bet he would beat this fool in looks.

"Beauty is not it all my dear. Who gives you the most pleasure? That's the more important." He said after reading my thoughts.

'Gosh I can't even think freely. This place is annoying.'

He curved his lips and turned to Leave. He opened the door and said some things and then went outside.

Soon as he left, two maids came in, walking towards me.

"We'll leave it to you now." Liam said and the two men also left.

The maids bent down to untie me. They tended to a scratch on my arm. I didn't even notice I was wounded. Damn them.

"We'll get you changed now. You must be hungry." One of them said, as they took care of me.

I just silently watched. I was still very confused. How could I be the mate of two werewolves. God! Couldn't you find another way to punish me for my sins???


*Ray's POV*

Immediately the little dog barked at the direction, I knew in an instant what was going on. She's been taken. I didn't care why, I just ran there straight. I knew exactly where I was going but I didn't care. I needed to save her.

They might be using her to get to me, but right now her life and safety matters. I'll go there and finish it off once and for all.

I kept on running and running with the dog in my arms. Her scent was getting stronger and stronger. My place increased. I didn't trust Rudolph. He might try something stupid if I was the slightest late.

I got to the line. The tiny little line that seprated the Pack's territory from the outside. I knew the moment I stepped inside the line, they'll know and be alert. I took my right leg and took a step, crossing the line. I continued running immediately I crossed the line.

I ran through houses and bricks. Everyone was starring at me as I ran fast strong. I was full of energy.

"Alpha! He's here."

"Hahahaha so fast. Let him in please. It's time for a family lunch." Rudolph said and the door opened.

I walked in with courage as all the energy entered inside me immediately I saw him.

"Brother brother........" He said as I came in front of him. "Welcome. I can't believe I would miss you." He stood up from his high throne and descended the small stairs, coming close to me.

Now we were looking eye to eye devoid of any fear or emotions.

"Let her go. Leave her out if this. Don't drag her."

"Ouch! But she's already in my dear brother. After all, she brought you here. Right?"

"You got what you wanted. You finally got me so let her go." I shouted my voice out.

"Well..... unfortunately, you came a little late. She's my mate now."


"Well..... unfortunately, you came a little late. She's my mate now."

Immediately the alpha wolf said that, an inner door opened and I came out of it with the two maids behind me.

Ray looked in my direction with shock. I also looked shock seeing him.

"Ray!" I called in a very low fine. But he heard me.

"Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. What a love triangle. This is getting more interesting. Bring your Luna here."

"I'm not their Luna. I'm not your mate." I said out loud with anger and irritation. I was getting sick of all these.

"Well....that's not a problem. Soon you will accept it." He said without care.

"Stop this. You can't do this. Just let her go."

"You're wrong little brother. I've already done it."

Little brother? So their siblings. Interesting.

Ray got angry and charged to fight. Rudolph also did the same and they started exchanging fists and daggers.

Ray tried so many times to slash Rudolph with his dagger but he kept on dodging it swiftly. They were both very strong.

" think I'm a fool? You must be very clever and prepared to poison the dagger. I can perceive it." Rudolph said with victory.

Since Ray came up fast, he couldn't wait to the scent of the poison to were off before he applied it around the dagger. So the scent is still very faint but it can be perceived by their sense organs.

Ray felt weak. He found out already. What a clever one.

"Well then, since you found out, no need to hide it anymore. Good to know that you're gonna die soon." Ray said and increased his speed.

Rudolph also increased his speed. They kept on going on and on. Ray was very strong and powerful but Rudolph was an alpha. An alpha we say. A damn alpha. Ray couldn't just stand a chance.

They were both going swift with their moves but Ray was getting weak. His steps were already going down but he kept on pushing.

"Alright I'm done. This is no more getting interesting." Rudolph said and gave his last attack.


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