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"Let's keep moving. We need to get food to eat. And please don't shout again. You might wake the neighbors. He said and we started moving. Raya was also walking on her own.

As we walked, I wonder which neighbours might possibly live in this thick forest. This looks like a dangerous place to live.

"Whiuuuuuuuuuuuh!" We heard a strange sound. 

I stopped abruptly. "What's that sound?" I asked looking scared.

Ray turned back to see what that was. We couldn't see anything, but we heard the sound again.

"RUN!" He screamed and we took to our heals.

"What are those?" I asked as we kept running. I was holding Raya in my arms.

"The neighbors. I told not not to disturb them. You never listen. So stubborn." Ray was angry. We started hearing footsteps behind us.

 We started hearing footsteps behind us

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"Oh no! They're nearing us." I screamed as I increased my pace.

"Just keep on running and make sure I don't pass you." Ray shouted.

Later, I found out I was the only one running. I didn't hear any footsteps again. Raya barked and I stopped.

"Ray!" I shouted as I turned back and Ray was nowhere to be found.

"Ray!" I shouted again. I was already panicking. What if no no. Don't think.

Raya kept on barking and I ran back to check what happened. Raya and I have to agree at this point.

I started hearing sounds and I ran to that direction. Ray was fighting the neighbors. They were wolves. Real wolves.

"Shouldn't they be friends?" I asked Raya.

'They are two different people. They can't be friends.' Raya barked.

"Oh! I see." Was all. I could say.

The wolves were increasing in numbers and Ray was killing them with just a swift. I really admire his strength.

"Well done Ray. You're doing well." I shouted from where I was hiding.

Ray turned back and saw me watching. "Fuck!" He cursed.

'I have to use magic. They are too much and we're running late.' Ray thought.

Soon, flashes of light started showing from the sky. It got clearer and clearer and the wolves started running to the dark.

'Are they scared of the light?' I thought.

Suddenly, Ray ran towards me and jumped over me. We fell on the ground.

"Ray, they're gone." I tapped on his back when the flashes were gone.

"You sure?" His face was still covered.

"Yes." U assured him and he stood up.

He looked at me with those blue eyes. His eyes is one thing that I admire so much. They're enough to turn me on.

"Thank you." He said lightly.

This sent flutters to my heart. He thanked me lovingly. Wow.

He quickly stood on his feet and went to where he faught the wolves. He carried one of the dead ones on his back.

"Why.....are we..........."

"We need food." He answered before I could ask.

"Oh!" I said. He is very considerate. Even though he's hard, he had a good heart.

We walked to a cave where we could rest for the night. It was already getting late.

"Let's stay here for the night. We'll continue tomorrow."

"Okay. But where exactly are we going."


"Really?? You don't know? So we're just moving like......bush people. Sleeping from one cave to another."

"Well, I'm a rouge. And this is what rouge's do. Move from cave to cave. Besides, I took you home didn't I? You declined. So......."


"Wait! Didn't you say you want to be a forest girl? Now's your chance."

He shut me up with that sentence. If I really want to be a forest girl, I have to be familiar with everything nook and cranny of the forest. Hmmm........

Ray gathered some woods with my help. We made a fire and sat beside it. Raya and I watched Ray as he roasted the meat.

"All thanks to you we're here. We would have peacefully just been at home now eating delicious meals.' Raya barked angrily.

"Did I ask you to follow me? You could have just ran away and never come back again." I said angrily too.

'Yeah. You think it's that easy. You never have any responsibility.'

"Oh yeah? And what's your responsibility?"

'You. You are my responsibility. My destiny has been tied to yours.'

"That's not true. You can just go your way while I go mine."

'I wish. I'm only doing this for your mum.'

"Never call my mum in this. Don't sound like she's indebted to you."

"Guys!" Ray finally shouted to cut us off. I was really enjoying this fight. "Enough!"

'If you know what responsibility really means, you'll understand that life is not only about you. Others matter too.' Raya said and went inside the cave.

I looked at her as she left. Someway, I felt guilty.

'What does she mean by her last statement? Bullshit.'

I didn't want to think about anything Raya said. I hate her and that's it. I can never like her or trust her.

"Wanna talk about it?" Ray looked at me.

"Forget that. Tell me your story. How did we end up here?" Ray looked at me. My face was damn serious.

"Well......I don't want to talk about it." Ray turned away.

"Well you have to. Cause now I've been dragged into it. Talk so we can find a quick solution. I need to be free again."

Ray stood up and went away from the cave. He was looking up in the sky. I stood up and was walking towards him.

"Don't!.............come forward. Bring down the meat first. Don't let it burn."

"Oh! Yes." I tried to carry the meat down from the fire. "It's..... heavy." I said with all my breath.

I finally brought it down, panting. I walked straight to him, standing beside him. The moon was still coming out.

Ray was starring at the full moon in the sky while I stare at him. He looked so beautiful in the dark. His face was turning to gold color as he transformed back to a werewolf.

 His face was turning to gold color as he transformed back to a werewolf

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MELTING A WEREWOLF'S HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now