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Their reflexes became faster as they turned into their werewolves. They were as fast as the wind brushing your skin. It was hard to detect their moves and positions. Especially when I'm fighting with a two in one.

"Hahahaha..... you stand no chance in winning me. I'm 70 times stronger than you and more." Reyna laughed as she saw my current state.

I was having pains in all parts of my body. Reyna and her werewolf really had their time with me.

"You know one thing about humans, we never give up easily." I said, as I stood on my feet and positioned myself to strike.

"How come you know so much about humans. From what I heard, you've never seen one." Reyna mocked as she threw her fists at me.

"Wrong. I've seen not one but so many humans." I said to her as I remembered the fight Ray and I watched in the village festival.

"Well.....that doesn't matter at all to me. It means nothing." I kept on dodging all her attempts towards me.

'If I get closer to her, I can get yo her heart and strike it.' I made a plan in my mind.

Reyna smirked hearing my thoughts. I knew she could read my mind so I was going to use that to my advantage. But I will have to control what I think.

"You're no match to me. We might both be Ultimas but I'm a man. In stronger than you." Rooba said to Diana as he threw her on the ground.

"Yet again, another man feeling high and superior. I am a woman......and I will finish you." Diana said, standing up in pain.

"This is no matter of being a man or a woman. Neither is us a matter of strength nor gender. This is a matter of sense. Let's see who's smarter." Rooba said as he gave her another blow. She dodged it and he landed o the floor, making her have the opportunity to pounce on him.

Diana's eyes became dark yellow as she used all her strength to hit Rooba. He flew so far away from us and landed in a house, bringing the building down to the ground. He was weak and couldn't stand up. Diana flew to him in one go and carried him.

"I will show you what a woman is capable of." Diana said, her heart filled with anger as she gave Rooba another blow.

Rooba coughed blood. He was holding his chest painfully. His wounds didn't heal immediately. She hit him so hard that it would take a long while for his wounds to heal.

Rooba stayed on the ground for a very long while. He couldn't stand up. His eyes was pale yellow. Diana came closer to him and carried him again, throwing him over and over.

I was confused at where to strike. Should I slice the human or the werewolf? Werewolves are originated from a particular story. A human became a werewolf and transmitted it to other, bringing the existence of werewolves on earth. The human was cursed.

So it means........ humans are stronger in their werewolf form but they still control their werewolves. That means, Fiana's soul is in Reyna. I have to kill Reyna for Fiana to die. Yes, that's what I will do.

I was already very weak, but I kept on pushing to be victorious. I got ready to face Reyna, while I run from Fiana.

"You can do this Elena. Just watch your steps." I assured myself.

Reyna was already coming towards me and Fiana was also coming from the back. I prepared my swords to strike, as I set it to the position Reyna was coming from. She was coming very fast, like the wind. I looked at her golden eyes. That was only what I can see, and I used that to trace her heart. Immediately she came closer, I strike the sword right inside her heart and she stopped. I removed it immediately, and before I could look back, I saw myself in a building as a house collapsed on me.

Reyna fell to the ground she vomited blood. Blood was coming from her chest. She looked very weak as her eyes turned pale blue.

Fiana ran up to her and quickly Carried her. Fiana was shouting in tears.

"G...get" Reyna said in pain. As she lost herself.

Fiana stood up in anger, her eyes was pure gold filled with anger.

I struggled to get out of the building that collapsed on me. I couldn't fathom what just happened. Immediately I stroke my sword in Reyna's chest, Fiana came to defend her by throwing me so hard on the floor. But it was too late as I already removed my sword.

'I thought Fiana was supposed to die too. Oh no!'

"You think you could finish us together, hell no. The fight just begun." Fiana says with a cold voice that sent chills right inside me.

Fiana started coming close to me. I painfully stood up. I couldn't walk, but I managed to run. I was running for my life, I only saw one of my swords. I couldn't find the other one.

I was so terrified with the current state I saw Fiana. I didn't know if I could handle it. I ran for my life.

Fiana caught up with me and carried me straight to her face. "You can't run from me. Face me. I am your worst nightmare."

"Sorry Fiana. But I am your worst nightmare........." I said, as I brought my sword and divided Fiana into two.

Fiana wasn't supposed to die easily. But there was no how she wouldn't be weak with her other half already gone. I took advantage of her weakness and killed her too.

I fell to the ground immediately Fiana fell dead. I started coughing blood. I was very weak, dirty and tattered. I searched around for Muin.

"Muin! Muin!! Rooba!!!" I shouted but I couldn't hear any voice. I'm sure he heard me......if he's not dead.

I got scared. 'I hope Muin and Ray are fine.' I thought. Just when I managed to stand up, I saw Muin. No Rooba flew to my direction and landed on the floor. Then Rita followed.

"Oh no! Rooba!!!" I ran to him in fear. I hope he's still alive.

"Rooba....wake up." He was unconscious. I kept on calling and calling. And he stood up immediately.

"If you're here now then........." Rita looked at us with anger filled in her.

"Rita...calm down." I tried to talk sense into her as I was already tired to fight.

"No..... Diana!" She said with a cold voice.

I knew I was dead. I already killed her twin sister.

MELTING A WEREWOLF'S HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now