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"Your Grace" the Master Shaman bowed to the Old Queen. The Master Shaman was dressed in creamy white clothing, his colorful tattoos stood out against his dark skin. All the Leaders were staring at her, she was aging quickly which was suprising. There were noticeable wrinkle lines on her face. There was a sort of wariness to her that they had never seen before. They hadn't seen or spoken to her in over 16 years. The leaders had requested a meeting when they heard a rumor that she had been present at the Guardian's funeral.

"Taak, dear old friend" she held out her hand to Master Taak. She hadn't risen to her feet when she had seen them. They noticed a cane leaning against her chair. She was aging fast before their eyes. Her usually all white hair had a gray tint to it. "How is everything?"

"Andrea, I should ask you that" Taak smiled down at his long-time friend. He had been friends with the family for a long time. He had seen two generations of Kings take the throne and now there was going to be a third.

"I am alright, just tired. I have overstayed my welcome" she smiled briefly at them. "I am waiting for the next Heir to take the throne and I can finally go."

"Andrea" the Druid Chief sighed heavily, he sat down across from her. He was wearing long blue robes with silver trimming. His white beard was tucked inside his robes "You will have at least another year, right?"

"That is what we are aiming for" she turned her head to the three Guardians behind her. "I will not of much use in a couple of months. It is going to be hard on all of us especially on my-"

"So it is set, you have someone ready to take the throne" Master Taak interrupted her without thinking. He quickly bowed his head in apology which the Old Queen didn't even acknowledge. Normally, she would have snapped at the person who had interrupted her.

"Yes, we have two people to take the throne."


At that moment the Eller Chief walked in. She was wearing thin light-blue robes. Her gray hair was wrapped into a bun on top of her head. Her green eyes stood out against the light robes.

"Excuse my tardiness, Your Grace" Chief Anika bowed her head respectfully at the Old queen.

The Old Queen merely lifted her hand. Again, she would have snapped at the person who dare walk into a meeting late but now there wasn't even a scorned look.

"I should tell you now that there is an Heir"

All the Leaders gave each other confused looks.

"Yes, I know you know who it is but my grand-child will not take the throne soon. We have been training someone else to take the throne as soon as he graduates" the Old Queen turned to Chief Anika who had her lips pressed together. She nodded woodenly.

"My Grand-son Byron Enden who is currently the Guardian Keeper has been trained since he was fourteen to take the throne" she did not like the idea of grandson being used as a stand-in. It was something that she had tried to stop from happening but her stubborn grandson had been intent on going to Weston when he met Dr. Nan.

"What about your grand-child? Why?"

"Because I want the Guardians to finish their training and the Heir is much too young to take the throne. Once Charles and Elizabeth find out who the Heir is- if they find out before the Summer Solstice of next year they will do anything to kill my grand-child. So we have a possible stand-in that can take the throne immediately if necessary" the Old Queen turned to Chief Anika. "I have also been told that you will hosting the Guardians this summer."

"Yes I am prepared" Master Taak turned to the other leaders who had been quiet during the meeting. "We have added all the necessary protection, Andrea. Don't worry"

"Of course not. I would never worry if they are visiting you all." She smiled at each of the Leaders. "What I'm worried about is the crowning ceremony. It is going to be messy"

The three Guardians behind her looked at each other.

"Your Grace" the oldest Guardian stepped forward. "We offer our services to lead the current Guard while the newest Guardians train."

The Old Queen opened her mouth to argue but instead she finally nodded.

"That is fine" she looked at each of the Leaders. "Their old members will be recruited into the current Guard. It will be bigger, and they have instructions to start recruiting third and fourth years from all schools. I apologize to you all and I know you are worried, forgive me but my biggest concern is making sure my grandchild stays alive. If my grandchild dies, Byron Enden will become the new King." They all felt a shiver pass through them as she spoke. It was like if a unwritten law had been passed by her.
*Let me know what you think. I'm pretty excited to start writing this story!!!*

The Immortal Guardians: Book III Where stories live. Discover now