Chapter 44

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I stepped forward until I was engulfed in darkness. The doors closed shut behind me, taking the bit of light. I could hear something moving. I wanted to take a step but I held my position.

"I wondered if I would be seeing you" a voice whispered. "My you look just like your father"

I glanced around. I couldn't see anything.

Something brushed my hand and I put my hands together.

"Same eyes, staring back at me" it sounded closer. I felt like if it was in front of me. "Would you like to see me?" it asked.

I blinked in response. It was dark in here. I couldn't see a thing.

So I nodded.

"Really?" it sounded surprised. It sounded amused too. I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman. The voice was strange, haunting.

Bright lights were turned on. I stepped back, closing my mouth tightly.

In front of me was a mask, his face was expressionless. His eyes were gray though.

My heart started to speed up.

"I'm not going to hurt you, girl" it said. "I'm here to assess your strengths and weaknesses"

I lowered my hands. I looked up at him.

"I want to look into your fears" he swooped down on me. I held my position. "Your dreams, your desires and judge them. I decide if you possess what I want, what I deem worthy to protect the Crown."

I couldn't see anything on his face. I wasn't sure if I should be glad or afraid of that.

I wondered what he was. He couldn't possibly be human.

"No I am not, I am not human anymore. I am an immortal just like you- an entity created to reflect you- to reflect certain types of Guardians."

Can you read my thoughts?, I asked, intrigued.

"Yes I can" he answered.

Did you know I was coming?

"No, I did not. I was hoping you would. I was hoping your father and mother would raise you to be a Guardian."

My parent are dead, I answered. They died a very long time ago. I live with my grandmother.

"Andrea?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Interesting, I must see this" he held up his hand. He put it over my head. I closed my eyes. I watched everything before me. My entire life was being shown to him.

"Interesting" he dropped his hand. "Very interesting."

What is interesting?

"I can not tell you, I have been forbidden to reveal any secrets to you" he glanced down. I looked down at my neck. I was still wearing my anti-pregnancy charm.

What secrets? I asked him confused.

"They are of no matter, Iris" he responded. "I am only here to judge you." He lifted his hand. I glanced at his hand. "Don't make a sound" he suddenly disappeared and the room was pitch black again.

There was water everywhere. It was slowly rising. I frantically started to run. The water started to rise faster. I tried to make my way to the door. I was going to drown in here. I kept moving an running. I wasn't reaching the door. I was in an endless room with rising water.

I took a deep breath and I was submerged in the water. I couldn't swim. I tried to reach the top but I felt like I wasn't moving.

I opened my mouth in panic, water rushed in. I frantically started to swim. I was going to drown. I thrashed around me trying to reach something. I needed to grab onto anything. I had to pull myself out of here.

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