Chapter 35

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"Dr. Nan is known for his ability to use two hands interchangeably, and he can use two swords at the same time." Henri was standing in front of me. Taron, Ezra, and Thomas were standing to the side. We didn't know when the match was going to be set up, but it would probably be within a few days.

My grandmother, and Dr. Nan were figuring out details. It would probably this upcoming weekend.

Henri lifted two swords, and drew them slowly to his sides. Taron handed me a weighted sword for my less dominant hand. I gave him a scared look but he chuckled.

"We'll go step by step." Henri smiled at me with encouragement. We practiced for an hour or so, the weighted sword was tiring.

"You may want to start using a weighted sword for the next couple of days." Dr. Nan called from the front door of the gym. We all turned to him. I lowered the swords, trying to not frown.

"Sir, I was-" Henri cleared his throat. Dr. Nan lifted his hand, and waved it, cutting him off.

"The fight is schedule for Friday evening, in the small gym. We don't want the match getting around so keep it to yourselves. Ms. Burke may I recommend you lunge with your dominant arm, and block with the less dominant one. Also, stay light on your footing. You are much smaller than Byron, and that is an advantage you have over him. Good day." Dr. Nan smiled briefly before he turned away. He turned his head slightly to us. "Byron tends to glance at his target briefly. His eyes say it all. It is a bad habit he quite hasn't gotten over." Dr. Nan left us, and we all turned to each other shocked. That had been rather unexpected.

"Let's call it day" Henri rubbed his arms. "We have three more evenings to practice. You will be sore, those swords are no joke." Henri grimaced slightly.

I was in Taron's room, we were having a late dinner. He had the kitchen available to him at all hours simply because he was an instructor. I was curled up on one corner of the couch with a plate on my knees. I was nibbling on some lettuce. I wanted some real food to deal with the stress.

A giant burger with fries sounded so good right now. I sighed in frustration at the food.

"Relax a little bit." Taron laughed at me. He took the plate off my knees, and handed me a ice cold glass of water. "You are going to drive yourself crazy."

"How can I not? Byron turned out to be the biggest prick-" I took the glass from him and pressed it to my forehead. He handed me two small tablets. "I feel so stupid, can you believe I had feelings for him." I popped the two tablets in my mouth, and downed the glass of water.

"Had?" Taron chuckled. He sat down next to me. He slowly pulled my knees from under me so my legs were stretched out. "You mean, you are still in love with him." he wiped my hair from my face. I swatted his hand from my face.

"I hate him more than I ever loved him. I wished that I could just stab him over and over. I knew he was jerk but come on" I babbled going on and on about Byron. Taron merely stared back at me with a patient smile.

"Personally, I think." Taron waited until I was done. "He does care for you."

"Don't. Don't go there." I lifted my hand. He took my hand, and squeezed it between his. "He is in love with you but his attitude is quite confusing." He brushed my cheek. His thumb brushed my lips. My mouth parted slowly. He pressed his finger against my lower lip. "There are a few things I have learned about life. The best advice I was ever gone was to screw him if he screwed you. Pay back sucks."

"You sound like Ezra and Thomas." I lifted my lip with dislike. He leaned forward, and I stiffened.

"If he fucks with you, you fuck him." he replied meaningfully. I blinked at him surprised by his words. "Want me to show you a few things?" He flirted. There was a big devlish grin on his mouth. His eyes were shining brightly. "Or get rid off some of the stress." His hand ran up my thigh. "I can help with anything you'd like." I tried to get up but his hands were pining my hips down. Everything was suddenly suffocating, and it was really hot. His grip was far from gentle on me. His flirtatious tone was gone, and there was a serious seductive one.

My breath was stuck in my mouth. I couldn't even move.

I gulped, and managed to find my voice.

"What happened to a Prince doesn't get with a peasant or commoner, whatever you called me?" I smiled at him. He was leaning in towards me. His hands hadn't moved from my hips.

"You are far from anything like that." his body was hovering over mine. I tilted my head back so I could stare into his bright eyes. I placed my hands on his chest. In one motion he removed my hands, and lifted my legs so they were on either side of him. "More like middle level-"

"Oh" I shook my head at him trying to not laugh. I pressed my palms against him with a smile. His easy going nature was helping. "Okay, well you just lost your chance-"

"Did I?" he pressed his thumb against my lips. "Are you sure?" he arched an eyebrow. "Because your body is giving you away" he was right. I was shivering underneath him. Jeesh, could I be anymore obvious?

"This teasing is helping me forget about ugh, Byron." his head fell forward. His forehead was on top of mine.

"I'm serious. Want me to take care of the problem?" he lifted his hand, and slowly ran his finger down my chest. "Help you relieve some stress" he ducked down and kissed the top of my breasts. I held my breath. I could swear my eyes were about to pop out of my head.


I gulped, holding my breath. He pressed his lips gently against my skin, and I could swear he was hearing my over-reacting heart.

I swear, my body was reacting like if it had never been touched by a guy before. I felt his tongue against my skin, and I squirmed. My hands were wrapped around his neck, inspite of myself.

His mouth slid up towards my neck, and my grip tightened. I felt his hand on my breast, and I moaned. He smiled against my neck. It was not helping to have him pressed between my legs.

My breathing was so loud, and obnoxious. I needed to control myself. His lips moved against my skin. I felt his tongue, and I sort of melted into the couch.

There was a knock on the door, and I pushed him off. He fell off the couch, and I was on my feet.

"Sorry." I apologized, trying to control my breathing. "Coming" I called, my voice sounded high-pitched and off. I opened the door to find Ezra and Thomas. My face was on fire, and I couldn't help rubbing my neck.

"Were you?" Ezra laughed at me. We turned to see Taron still on the ground, laughing. He was clutching his stomach, and almost rolling on the ground.

Ezra and Thomas walked in, and immediately took possession of the leftover plates. Taron got to his feet, his face was still red, and he was still laughing.

I felt so ashamed having been caught with Taron. Ezra and Thomas were not going to drop it.

"K.I.S.S.I.N.G." Ezra and Thomas were chanting behind him, and teasing me. They had formed a ring around me and were jumping as we walked to our rooms.

"Could you two be any more immature?" I rubbed my neck. I could still feel his lips against my skin. His fingers digging into my side-

I tore my head off of him, and glared at the boys who were singing.

"Yeah" they replied at the same time. I glowered at them, as I hurried to my room. Gah, why did they have to be so annoying, and interrupt us-

Maybe it was better that they had interrupted us. I rubbed my neck quickly trying to get rid of the feel of his mouth.

As soon as I was in my room, I opened the window so some cool air could hit me. I let out a low breath of air.

I couldn't help smiling at the night, though. At least Taron knew what he was getting into. He wasn't expecting anything else from me. He didn't want a relationship, and maybe that's what I needed.
My relationships hadn't worked out, and I had some serious trust issues. Henri, and Byron hadn't turned out to be what I wanted. I couldn't make excuses up for them, and I wouldn't. Maybe it was better to not get emotionally involved with anybody, and Taron could easily help with that.

*********I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen between Taron and Iris, but he will be essential. As for Byron, there are other things happening, so I'm sorry if I lose some of you.*******

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