Chapter 32

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Getting back to school, was a long tedious trip that by the end of it I was ready to stab Byron myself. It took almost four full days to get back to the grounds. Many were led to believe that had been a personal attack on Byron because they had figured out he was the Keeper. Nobody corrected them.

They wanted to draw attention from us, and because they didn't want attention on us, we were going to get a new Swords instructor or well, I was. Byron was going to supervise our training, and I would have additional training with him but it would be much later in the day.

When I met my new instructor, I almost burst out laughing. My "instructor" had a long ponytail and a scar on his face. His body and face didn't quite match up.

"Seriously?" I approached Taron, my supposed instructor. "How is it that nobody can see past all of this?" I waved my hand at his face. He had kept his extremely well toned physique but his face was different.

"Charm and I knew a few people." He smiled briefly. We were in the gym, sitting across from each other. "They helped me with a few charms."

"Oh no." I shook my head. "Byron might get suspicious." I grimaced slightly. Byron and I hadn't really spoken in almost one week. We had met briefly at the start of the semester to discuss my classes but that was about it.

Our final test was on Winter Solstice which was at the end of December. It was the first day of September, we had four months left. Only four months left.

Taron waved me forward, so he could help me stretch. He was a really easy going instructor and that made the learning experience better.

"Don't worry I'm only adding scars to my face not changing my features completely." Taron smirked at me. "Don't worry I'm covering myself."

"I hope so, Taron." He pushed on my back so I could lean forward. "Anyway, what do you have planned for tomorrow evening?" I asked. His workouts were worse than Byrons had ever been so I needed to prepare myself mentally.

"Not to worry" Taron took a deep breath and made me lay on my back. His hands slid up my thighs. I slapped his hands away. He ignored me, and lifted my knee to my chest. "It won't be bad, I have a few sword training sessions set up, and I think Ezra could benefit from a few martial arts movements. Tomorrow I will primarily focus on him."

"Oh good" I sighed, relaxing. "So I was thinking can I still practice with my knife. Byron said I had to have you approve it, and see if it fit into our schedule."

"sure." Taron's eyes flickered down to me. "Where is Henri?"

Taron had met Henri a few days ago. Henri had almost flipped when he had found out what Taron's real profession was but he hadn't said anything.

"Busy, you know preparing to meet with your brother." I hissed slightly as he tugged on my leg. My legs were sore and stiff. "He will inform us when he gets back in a couple of days." His hands were soft, and gentle as he made sure that nothing was torn. I winced slightly as his fingers dug into my thigh.

"That's a little tender" his eyes were on my face. "Ice it, and add some heat later tonight" His eyes held me as his hands made their way up to my stomach.

"How are you so good at everything?" I couldn't help smiling at him. His hand brushed my breast as he pushed away strands from my face. The movement made me glance away from him. He waved at me to sit up.

"I learned so many tricks moving around constantly" he sat down across from me. "When you do what I do, you have to blend in so you aren't caught. Many of my own mentors especially one had a big influence on me. His name was Gard, and he was an old instructor of the Guard. I was probably fifteen years old, and I was a complete little shit. You know always fighting, and getting caught...getting sent to jail and well, I escaped every time. It was a back and forth thing. I was alone, and really had nobody so one night, after escaping from jail for the I don't know millionth time, I saw an old man walking down the street, and some men coming up from behind him. The old man was dressed in rags, and he was limping his way down the dark alley. Next thing I know, the man are attacking this old man and I'm fighting them off. To my surprise" Taron started to laugh. "The man had taken few of them down." he shook his head at himself like he still couldn't believe it. "I learned from him different fighting techniques, and how to survive. He introduced me to the right people, and here I am." he lifted his eyebrows. "Training a Guardian, he probably wouldn't believe it." he threw back his head and laughed. I couldn't help laughing with him. His laugh was joyful and loud.

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