Chapter 21

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Taron left without looking back at me. I leaned against the railing. I lifted the small box in my hand up to my eye.

"Iris" Ezra appeared at the door. "Come" he waved me. He came over and grabbed my hand. "Did you see, Taron?" he asked me. I nodded, putting the box in the cloak pocket.

"Yeah." I replied looking over my shoulder. I saw the shadow of someone. It disappeared. "He just left." I answered.

Ezra was so excited to cut the cake so we let him. I stepped back, and pulled Taron's gift out. I opened the small box open. My eyes widened slightly.

There was a small silver ball. I lifted it up between my fingers.

There was a note. It said to kiss it. I pressed it to my lips. The small little silver ball melted into my hand. I lifted my hand confused. It was completely gone.

I would have to ask him next time I saw him.

When the party was over, I made my way up to my room. Ezra and Thomas were also going to bed soon. I hadn't seen Byron for the rest of the night. I wondered if he was with the other girl. Instead of going to my room like I should have. I went to Byron's room.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

What was I doing? I shouldn't be here. I had ended things between us-

But, I had to know if he was with someone else.

"Just a second" I heard Byron call. There was someone else in the room. My heart stopped thudding. I heard some giggling and I backed away.

Instead of running, my feet stayed rooted to the ground. The door opened before I could react.

"Iris" he blinked at me. His shirt was open. "Is everything okay?" he asked me. He closed the door behind him.

"Sorry" I panicked not even looking at him. I gathered my dress and ran away. I stumbled over my shoes. I gathered them and booked it to my room.

Damn it. I shouldn't have gone to his room. I threw my shoes across my room. I heard them hit the wall. I pressed my palms to my face.

What was I doing?

I fell on my knees with my hands pressed to my eyes. I wouldn't cry for him. There would be no more tears for Byron.

My breaths were deep and loud. I had to control myself as best as I could. The door opened.

"Iris" I heard Byron. He put a hand over my head. I leaned from him.

"Just go away." I mumbled. I cleared my throat and got to my feet. I couldn't look like a mess in front of him. "I shouldn't have bothered you. Sorry. You can go"

There was no way that I could meet his eyes.

"Iris" Byron whispered. I turned the side of my face to him. His shirt was still open.

"Go back to her." I answered through clenched teeth. "I don't know what I was doing." There were smudges of red on his neck. "I'm sorry for interrupting you."

"I'm making sure you are okay." He answered in a small voice.

"I'm perfectly fine. Can't you tell?" I rounded on him. I held out my hands so he could look at me. "So you can go now back to your friend. I'm sorry for interrupting you" I put my hands together. "It was a lapse in judgment" I pointed my fingers at him. Byron searched my eyes. He shuffled on his feet momentarily. He turned and left.

I clenched my fists together. My feet stayed rooted to the ground even though I wanted to run after him.

"I hate you. I have to hate you." I pressed my palms to my eyes. I fell on the ground. Tears spilled down my face. I couldn't control them. "I have to get over you." I leaned over and cried. I mostly cried because it hurt-

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