Chapter 13

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There was a sharp chirp in my ear and I opened my eyes.

"Ares found her" I heard yelling. It was Ezra and Thomas. Ares was perched on my chest.

"Are you okay?" Ezra shook me. He lifted my robe up, it was stained with blood. Ares pecked my head showing them I was fine.

"What happened?" I glanced down at my bloody hand. I was supposed to pretend like if I didn't remember anything. Ezra lifted me up in his arms. Thomas was running towards us.

"Whose blood is that?" Thomas peered into my face. He started to dig his fingers into my skin

"Hers" Ezra answered. "We have to get out of here, Warlocks were spotted not to far from here"

"Warlocks?" my heart jumped to my throat. Ares chirped, he suddenly took off. "We can't leave the Ellers unprotected" Byron was on a horse, he was riding towards us. His blade was attached to his side. He look magnificent on the horse.

"Are you okay?" he slid off his horse. He took me from Ezra's arms.

"I'm fine" I met his green eyes. He kissed my forehead.

"Let's go, the Goblins are waiting for us"

"What about the Warlocks?" I asked him. I nudged him on his chest so he could put me down. He gently set me on my feet.

"My grandmother can take care of them" Byron replied briskly. He was still annoyed with her.

"Do you really think that?" I searched his green eyes. His jaw throbbed and he lifted his gaze from mine.

Chief Anika was at the door of her home when we arrived. She intentionally avoided me.

"There are six warlocks making their way here" Byron told her dismounting the horse. He helped me from the horse.

"Is that why you came back?" Byron was so much like his grandmother that it irritated me. They knew how to hold a grudge.

"I didn't want to come back" Byron gave her an annoyed look. "They are training right?"

"I see" Chief Anika finally looked at me.

The sound of horses approached. Ares has been sending us information about them. Byron put the blade attached to his hip in my hand. I pulled out my own knife.

"We will try to negotiate with them first" Byron whispered out the corner of his mouth. "We want to avoid a fight at all costs."

"You are on neutral territory" Byron told them as soon as they stopped. It wasn't any of the men that were with Taron. They were different Warlocks.

"Chief Anika a word" the man leading the group replied ignoring Byron.

"You are on neutral territory, sir" Byron emphasized the word. "Warlocks are not allowed with weapons on any neutral territory according to statute"

"They are ornamental" the Warlock Leader chuckled. "And I know the statute boy, the Chancellor signed it. We have come to discuss with you the terms of your stay"

"There are no terms for staying on neutral territory. You are out of line"

The men put their hands on the hilt of their swords. It was some sort of intimidation.

"How old are you? It is best that you run along to your parents" he waved us away. "Chief Anika lets discuss the matters privately"

"You are on neutral territory" Ezra's voice rumbled. I felt like if the ground was shaking underneath us. "Did you not hear or are you deaf?"

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