Chapter 20 || Chilled palette

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Winged eyeliner is impossible to get right first try. No matter if one had 10 minutes of experience or ten years of experience, whenever eyeliner of any shape was fashioned, it takes multiple attempts of drawing the lines and then filling them in over and over before it's perfect. Then after that endeavour there's the even greater challenge of doing the other eye exactly the same, for the sake of aesthetically pleasing symmetry. 

The coffee table was a wasteland littered with piles of used cotton pads, cosmetic tins and half a bottle of makeup remover lay next to the circular magnifying makeup mirror. All sacrificed for the achievement of the perfect look for the group hangout that Misaki had organised. Despite not telling you what the actual plans for they day were she did emphasise that is was important for you to make an effort, which was why your bedroom was a mess with discarded clothes and accessories.

With a frustrated sigh, you strained your eye on its reflection in the small mirror and inked your eyelid for the umpteenth time that morning. Your hands were trembling as you struggled to apply the right amount pressure, especially towards the end when the pen had to be flicked just right in order to get a clean line. However, once again it came out as a blotchy stub.

An outside observer might look at the situation and conclude that you're making life more difficult, by trying it free hand and refusing to use something sharp like a ruler or knife to make shaping it easier. 

However, that wouldn't really help in your situation since at this point you were so fed up that you just wanted someone else to do it. Like for your high school prom when your mum did your makeup for you; it wasn't perfect but it was better than what you could do at the time. And right now there was someone just down the hall from your room who could do your eyeliner much better than you ever could. It was going to be awkward considering what happened last night, but you couldn't avoid him forever and anyway you really needed help.

Spurred on by the light bulb idea, you got up from your kneeling position on the floor, went out of your room and padded across the wooden floor of the hallway in your tights. When you got to Keigo's room you heard his muffled voice from outside, it sounded like he was on the phone to a friend or maybe a sidekick of his. Despite the fact that he seemed jovial and probably wouldn't mind if you barged in; out of respect for his privacy you instead knocked on his door. 

He instantly called out from inside in response, sounding almost robotic, the tone reminded you of an automated response. The phone call then ended rather abruptly, and after waiting a few seconds like he had asked the door opened just enough for him to peak his head through. 

"What's up?" he asked, there was a lightness in his tone and a slight smile on his face but also a near missable crease between his eyebrows.

"Keigo I need your help," you said earnestly and held up the eyeliner pen, "Can you do my eyeliner for me?"

Keigo stayed still and flicked his gaze between the pen, then you, then the pen again in bewilderment. "Why...?"

"Because I've been trying by myself for ages and I can't get it to look right." Even though you were trying to act like everything was normal, you weren't quite meeting his eyes. 

You couldn't. 

"Kay..." He opened up the door enough for him to now be fully visible as he leaned against the door frame. Arms crossed as he graced you with a growing charmed smile, which put you somewhat at ease. He asked slowly, "...what makes you think I'd be any better?"

That question utterly stunned you. In response, you gestured to the exquisite angular black markings that perfectly framed his golden irises, making small circular movements with your pointing finger. "As if you don't know Keigo. Every day, 24/7, without fail you're always sporting the exact same eyeliner look, and I've lived here long enough to know that there's no secret makeup artist stashed away somewhere, so you must do it yourself. Also, what brand do you use? That stuff didn't come off at all in the pool- there wasn't so much as a smudge!"

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