-----Chapter Three-----

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Well I can tell by the way he acts he wanted me to know about him more, well I'm not sure about that, now with that I was about to go on my street while-- Alessandro here is about to go on his street as well.

"Hey Valentina, my street is here, I hope to see you somewhere again if you have free time tomorrow, might as well watch the scary movie tomorrow sounds good right?", He said, I than replied.

"It does sounds good maybe tomorrow? If I have time." I said, I didn't wanna avoid him or the others, what I want is to finish my school works and spend my time with myself so I can know myself much more, I did not want to lose attach to myself-- but other than that.

"Alright then, have a good evening." He said waving at me while walking away, with that I started walking towards my street,
reaching my house and opening the door, even though I live alone I wanted the house to be clean and organized especially well quite decorated.

I put my bag down to the couch planning of what to eat for dinner, I than turned on the TV listening to the news on what's going on around me, well I know it's a old thing to do but for me I have to listen towards news so I can know many stuff and what's going on around.

Now cooking the food I basically want, while waiting for the food to be cooked, I was scrolling towards my social medias, coming across to one of the students at the school they posted something about having a party right now, well some of them are not legal to drinking and stuff but that's how Teenager would do this days, well let them be, surely their just enjoying their lives, and with that the food was ready.

Now putting the food at the plate, I enjoyed eating the food it's like a reward after finishing the things around you, well think of it as a reward for the day, how lovely that can be?

As I put the dishes at the sink and cleaning it as well, the news was talking about the weather, good thing I have sticky notes I than wrote something down it's a reminder that I should bring umbrella tomorrow since tomorrow morning it would start raining.

And with that I than put the plate back at the kitchen cabinet, now going to my room getting my bag as well, and with that I started getting new clothes, now getting a towel closing the bathroom and next thing is that I turned on the shower.

Now I felt much more more relief again, having a shower is peaceful, the feeling is much more pleasant, it's lovely and it satisfied me a lot, and much more I love is that the stress is slowly going away and the dirty stuff I have carrying for the day is gone.

Usually I'm obsessed with cleanliness but not that much since I just don't like things that are not clean or people who aren't good at cleaning sometimes, when things are dirty at the house I'd clean it fully, and with that I still feel the water pouring on me.

And with that I turned the shower off, grabbing the towel and now drying myself, now putting my clothes on being much more comfy with the clothes on, and now I got off the bathroom finding the dryer, with that I dried my hair, and after it I started brushing it, I remember that one scene in princesses movies usually watch those when a kid, I did not saw myself or even compared myself to them,

Now with that after brushing my hair off I started pulling out my subject book and notes, I'm glad someone noticed that I dropped my notes at the class, I didn't even notice it actually I was much more focus at the teachers and my thoughts especially the school works.

And now with that I started doing my school works, usually good with this stuff but hard to understand, that's the reason why I write notes, or even ask the others for the lesson and especially notes, I was good at asking them since often times I would talk to some students at school even some of them are the cheerleaders, well pretty much used to it, although there is also many students that are smart in the school their much more focus at studies, even though their focus they can still be hanging out with their friends.

I still had the ideas at my head, especially the answer ideas glad that I wrote them during class, I did not want the teacher sneaking or getting the notes, so often times I'd tell them that I'm just writing notes at class, whether it's writing notes or writing answer ideas, it looks just like the same.

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