-----Chapter Seventeenth-----

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It was the weekend, school year have started a month ago, she had finished her work much more early, and have gain enough money, she already have been asked by Leon, wanting her to go on a dinner from a nearby restaurant.

Now she was on park roaming around, Mr.Bennett knew that the two was already on a relationship, even though they seem to be young adults they knew what they should not do and should do.

Valentina was just seating at a bench, reading a book, with her headphones on, not noticing the figure going towards her, getting closer until they say at the bench right where Valentina is seating.

It will be dark soon, she was waiting for Leon, and didn't that much mind if he was late, plus this isn't the first date they have, they have been dating for over a month now, every weekend, they would go to different places just not far enough.

If they have tests or quiz much more like exams, they would go to a cafe, and study there quietly, the others don't seem to see their own private relationship, except for the group, Ace and Andrew and so as the others knew it.

They just want it to be private, since they don't like it being spread around, or wanting it to be ruined by everyone, it doesn't matter, Leon love Valentina, and Valentina love Leon, as long as no one interrupt or ruin their relationship.

"Ophelia?" Leon said, while tapping her shoulder, signalling her to go with him, hopping in at car, driving on the restaurant that Leon know.

Once they arrived they than sat at The two empty chairs, ordering some food, Leon wanted to know some stuff and how was her week, even though they have seen each other many times, they would still ask about how things are going on in their life.

"How was your week?" Leon started first, "It's good, I'm just often stress about things." Leon nodded understanding the situation that Valentina is in, he wanted to let her know that he'll be there for her whenever she needed him.

Valentina had her eyes at the glass, the waiter have gave them a cold water while their waiting for their own order, Valentina had her left hand on the table, tapping it, overthinking about the stuff about her own school works, Leon noticed this, he than put his left hand on the table and put it at the top of Valentina's hand.

Playing with her own hand, Valentina seem to be distracted by it so instead she focused her mind on the man in front of her, "Sometimes you just have to focus your mind from something, other than things that makes you stress." Leon said, since other people are busy talking to each other and eating, it feels like people doesn't care a lot, the words he just said it felt like a faint whisper.

"Calm yourself Ophelia." Leon said, using his right hand, he than took a sip of the cold water, and then after that he put the glass down, putting his own eyes at the woman right in front of him, this time Valentina felt like something was stuck at her throat, it felt there are butterflies in her stomach, she than take a sip of the cold water.

The food was already at the table, taking a piece of the food, Valentina and Leon still continue their conversation, "How was your week Leo?" Valentina questioned, taking another piece of the food, "It was good, I finished things early." Leon said taking a piece of the food that he and Valentina ordered.

"Does insomnia still hits you?" Valentina said, she hadn't heard about his sleeping problems since they have started their relationship, "Only sometimes." He replied back, Valentina was listening nodding as her own respond.

As both of them finished their own dinner, Leon have held her hand tightly, both reaching inside the car, since both of them have already payed for the food, getting off early, "Are you gonna stay at the house for the night?" Valentina questioned, since often times when it's the weekends he would stay at Valentina's house and be with her.

"I've got nothing to do tomorrow so, I'll stay with you, since father allowed me." Leon said while his eyes is at the road, reaching at her street, stopping the engine of the car, Valentina than unlocked the door at her house removing her shoes.

"I'll just go and change clothes, alright?" Leon said, going at the bathroom, Valentina have drank a water, and opening the TV checking the news, Leon was now finished signalling Valentina to go and use the bathroom.

While Valentina was on the bathroom, Leon was allowed to go at her bedroom, he had saw many book collection that Valentina collected, he was sure that he saw a room where Valentina reads and study, he once saw many papers scattered at the floor, but now it was clean, the room was like a library room for Valentina of course, she studies and read there a lot.

He was looking around, and then he heard the sound of the door opening, revealing Valentina on her night clothes, drying her hair with a towel, he than walked towards at her bed and sat on it, waiting for Valentina, as she had dried her hair, and then brushing it up.

The moon was shining brightly outside, Valentina than lay at the bed, turning off her night stand lamp, the same for Leon, putting the blankets on as well keeping himself comfortable, Valentina had felt two arms around her waist hugging her, before she close her eyes and sleep.

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