-----Chapter Three-----

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A month came in, school year have started, I was at the class, soon enough I'll get my free time soon, since some of the teachers here are kind and would give the students a free time.

There is many students that are new here this school year, some of them have just moved in and got here, I was writing notes at the class, but soon enough were interrupted by the bell ringing.

Signalling it must be a time for some student to have their free time, I than got up to my seat, getting some books and getting up some food, I than got out to the class, finding my way at the back of the school, I than sat at a bench, opening a page of a book.

Finding myself being focus on the story, after that accident stuff, I was slowly forgetting it, I did not want to remember it, I'll try watching a movie later on evening I was than interrupted by some person, usually it's girls who would talk some of them would ask for things like schedule time of the next classes.

This time there was a new student, and I think he was lost or didn't much know ways here at this school, telling something.

"I'm sorry, I think I lost my way, just asking if you have seen Mr.Garcia?" He said while fixing his glasses in order to see the person he was talking to, as he finally see the person he was talking to, Valentina than answered him, she than closed her book and the boy than followed her.

"Your new?" She questioned, she wanted it to be clear for her is he was really a new student or just a old student who just got lost, the boy than answered her..

"Yes.." he said while following her, he than looked at the girl studying her, seeing her mixed black and brown wavy hair, and he can tell by the way she acts earlier, it seems like a student that a teacher rely's on, something like a prefect, she seems kind and at the same time strict.

As both of each other walked into a class room, the others studying and being focus at the discussion of the teacher, Valentina than told Mr. Garcia the New student, Eventually Mr. Garcia knew the student already.

"And what is the excuse for being late?" Mr. Garcia said, Valentina than answered him not wanting to get the new student into a trouble.

"I'm sorry Mr. Garcia, the new student got lost and didn't knew the school pretty well." Valentina said explaining it all, Mr. Garcia than gladly let the student in at the classroom.

"Very well then." Valentina than nodded, and walked off finding her class, finding her seat, pulling out a notebook and the subject book, she than found herself copying notes, while in the other side Ace was sitting across from her.

Ace didn't knew that Valentina would still be in the same school, since some of Ace friends was Alessandro and Benjamin would go to a new school, but still the house they have was still at Valentina's street which means both of them are neighbors, although he did got a text from Alessandro that their moving school for now, it must be because of them going to their cousins house and staying there for the whole school year, next school year would be the final year of Valentina.

While she is writing notes, she didn't even notice that she dropped something at the floor, she was like a mad woman just by writing notes at class, but here it is again, the lights suddenly just turned off, the other students saw it too, it lost power, it was just the classroom not the other classroom.

"Everyone, I'll be right back I need to talk to the others about the lights, Ms. Martina?" Valentina than snapped out, looking at the teacher.

"Yes sir?"

"Please look for the class for me, I just need to talk to someone." Valentina than nodded going back to her seat, the only thing that gives lights at the classroom was the sun shining through the window, waiting for the teacher to go back at the class and continue to discuss the lesson.

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