-----Chapter Six-----

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As I began writing notes the person beside me was whispering or was probably talking to someone at the other side of the seat, he stopped by now.

Writing the notes and changing the page of the book while the teacher was discussing, I felt another note under my notebook, to me it's fine while passing notes but what the trouble is that you might get detention or probably be caught by the teacher.

As I open the note, it written by Alessandro again, well it than said.

"Also what time are you free later this evening? So we can watch the movie later on.


I than looked beside me to the boy who began whispering to his friend, I'm sure the teacher did not hear him, it was Alessandro I did not care about it since I wanna give space or let them talk, I than wrote another him a letter back.

"Maybe after I finish the other upcoming school works, 7PM sounds good? If your done with your other stuff.


Other than that, the teacher than gave us what page will be answering the activity, at the book, to me the lesson today is easy, but I have to gain much motivation later on, to think of something else.

I think of something motivating me, like go outside and jog or even read books, pretty much I wanted to enroll myself on a archery club, since archery club can help me stretch my body especially my own muscles, some say it's expensive they are right after all.

This day is boring, the only thing I found very angelic and pure was probably how trees dance while the wind pass by, it was angelic, today is usual, go to classes.

Today is just usual go to classes and eat lunch and then go home, next class and next again, and the thing is that people find education boring and some people find it interesting it's like two sides of coin, has the same appearance of the brain but different ideas at the same time.

Alessandro seemed to be busy talking to his friend and probably be busy at writing notes, thinking of what I should eat for launch later on after third period of class, well sometimes the schedule of the class is like one hour a time and then the other classes our like often times take Fifty minutes, as the bell rings signalling the others to go to the third period class.

As I began packing my things up the teacher than gave us the lessons that we should review, I keep it as a note, I began walking out at the classroom finding the third period of class, as I found it I than began finding my seat, sighing wanting the lesson to end soon, pulling out the subject book and my notebook.

Writing notes as always, I'd often draw or even sketch at class but to me I'm much more aware since the teachers here can go to our desk and see what were doing I did not want being embarrassed but the others seemed to get used to it.

If I find the lesson uninterested then I'll just draw or do sketch while listening at class or even write notes since in every subject there are things I struggled to understand because of not being focused at class.

While writing notes I than received another note, I started receiving notes every since first period of class and it's totally different, in a way to communicate to the other students some of them use notes rather than confronting to them it's completely fine though.

This note is different, it's different, it's not from Alessandro.

"I never knew Alessandro would have such a friend like you.


Pretty sure some of Alessandro's friends are probably not messing with me or just wants to know Alessandro's new friend, seriously we just met yesterday, I better get used to it by now.

I did not want to write a note back since the lesson for this subject is quite hard, I'd be much more focus on it since I don't wanna get distracted by anything, while I write notes for the lesson, another note slid at my desk receiving another note from Alessandro's friends.

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