-----Chapter Five-----

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Leon has been friends with Valentina back then in middle school, he have witnessed things around her, he found her a different kind of person something like a strange one, he did met another friend of her, he was talented with musical instruments, the only friend that Valentina made back then was only Leon and Matthew, the other friend that Valentina met.

Mr.Bennett noticed that his own child Leon, was having sleeping problems for the past few days, he'd often times see him at the kitchen at 2 A.M in the morning, and the day that Valentina called is the day that Leon have to go to the hospital, in order to see if he have a chronic sleeping problems, something like insomnia.

Leon than heard Valentina at the other side of the phone talking to Leon, everytime Valentina called Leon, he'd felt like he was some sort important at her life, and of course Valentina would call Leon cause she'd check up on him quite a lot, Valentina would call him sometimes Saturday to Sunday.

And now Leon told Valentina what was going on him for the passed few days, and of course Valentina was worried, just because her face can't that much express her feelings that doesn't mean Leon wouldn't notice the tone of her voice change.

"Did you drink your medicine already?"

"I already did, don't worry about it."Leon said, he can't that much sleep alot due from the stress he has been receiving.

"I'll change the plans, honestly you don't need to go out with me, you should rest and get yourself enough sleep there."  Valentina said, and of course she didn't want to force him since he needed so much rest, Valentina knew a person can't go with her when something is wrong with them.

"Ophelia, you don't need to worry that much about me, things will be good here soon enough." Valentina don't seem to believe him, things don't get better a lot.

"I have an idea." Leon said, making Valentina confused, in the other side she was also worried.

"Maybe you can go here, inside my house, since my father would be busy with his job, your good with it right?" Leon said, maybe letting Valentina stay with him for the past few days would make things better, if her plans are cancelled or was not able to do somehow,  that doesn't mean Leon would ran out of ideas.

"Well that's good, I'll just go there then."  Leon agreed with her, both than hang up the call, now all Leon have to do was wait for her.

In the other side Valentina was preparing things, she'd stay with him for just the past few days, and especially her school stuff it was important to her, and with that Valentina put things at the car, now she's driving at Leon's house.

Leon was a good friend towards Valentina, and of course both of the two have a good friendship, although Leon was slowly having a short feelings towards Valentina, he felt safe around her, he felt something different towards her.

As Valentina reached the street of Leon, she than stopped at his house, she than knocked at the door, Leon than opened the door he was happy that Valentina was finally here, hugging her once she got inside.

"Have you take your medicine?" Valentina said ruffling his hair, while Leon was hugging her waist, but then Leon than stopped hugging her, now looking at Valentina, he than nodded at her as a answer to her question.

"That's good." Valentina said putting her stuff at Leon's room, Valentina was also looking around at Leon's room, he did have a lot of books and some albums at the cabinet, he does have a study corner though and at his room he had two windows, same at her room.

"Wow.. Back then I'd see your room messy, now it's clean, your room is pretty cool." Valentina said while looking around amazed.

"The guest room is pretty messy, I'm sure I found some stuff for you to sleep on." He said while seating at his bed and look at Valentina, she'd admire her face a lot even when she is amazed, happy, or even sad she look absolutely pretty towards him.

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