-----Chapter One-----

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As I take a bite of the grilled cheese sandwich, it was absolutely delicious, I wonder how why Mr.Bennett was absolutely good at making it.

"So who's this Alessandro your talking about?" Leon questioned while looking at Valentina, Leon was absolutely surprised that Valentina had once again made another friend, although Leon wanted Valentina to be his only friend, but at this point he'd just put the friend at the other side just be nice towards him that would he say to himself.

"Alessandro was a great friend Leon, he had a brother his name is Benjamin, I knew some of their friends and they are nice to me." Valentina said she'd remember a memory about some of them swimming at the beach and would do water fights at each other, just by splashing water at each other.

"That's good." Leon said while smiling, Valentina than looked around to see the other children playing.

"Another school year will start soon.."

"You can come by here or call me, if things are going bad there, I'll be here, plus... We can hangout if you have time." Leon have gave his number to Valentina back then.

"Leon have you ever created new friends?" Valentina questioned, while taking a sip of the juice.

"I only create a small group, me and the other boys have been getting along for a while now."

"Do you even have a girlfriend already? You know man like you should have a girlfriend by now."

"Maybe your that girl?"

"Hahaha! great joke Leo."

Leon ears have slowly turned red, he didn't want Valentina to notice it, or she might think something else.

"I should be going back, I'll call you if I have time." I said while standing up, while Leon just nodded.

Leon wanted to talk to Valentina, he wanted to hear that kind of voice, he wanted to see her and admired her, he wanted here.

"Mr. Bennett thank you for the sandwich! The sandwiches you made are absolutely perfect, never change." I said while smiling at him.

Leon didn't mind her being busy at all, after all she have stuff to do, by the end of the day she'd be leaving and doing stuff.

Valentina then waved at Leon, while Leon waved back at her.

I than walked to my car and opening the door, going back to my street, I was excited since I've got things to do that makes me motivated, something like paint or even draw.

I than got out and then take all the paper bags full of school supplies, and take them inside, removing my shoes, and putting the supplies inside my room, but I was than interrupted by someone calling at my found, I than put the supplies down, and then answering it.


I than make a small chuckle, who would even give my number to someone? Is this some kind of joke?

"Hello? Who is this?"

"I'm sorry I think I got the wrong number."

"Okay then." I than hang up, I quickly put the notebooks at table, but then again I was interrupted by someone calling me again.


"What's your favourite scary movie?"
I knew someone would make up this prank call, and I knew someone would make this joke, it's not creepy anyway I'm used to it for over a while.

"Very funny joke Alessandro." I said while chuckling.

"Alessandro? Jokes on you honey I'm not Alessandro." I knew this voice somewhere, what is this? Some scream movie real life event?

"Then who is this?" I than go at the front door of the house, I than received no reply.

"Look outside." I than opened the window, the neighbors must have gotten inside since, at this time they must be eating dinner.

"See me now?"  I than looked around again, no one.

"No absolutely no."

"Look at the other window."
I than looked at everyones window, some of the lights are on, is this some kind of ghost face prank calling?

"Benjamin, are you seriously making jokes about this?" I than looked at his window, seeing him holding a glass cup in his hand then drinking whatever is in it.

"Valentina, would you please go at my house?"

"Fine then, but please next time don't do that again." I said, in the other side I than hear Benjamin chuckling.

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