-----Chapter One-----

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It was all fun and happy for Valentina, she was hanging out with Ace and Andrew, just like the usual conversation just like back then during summer days, Ace seem to be still weird with the stuff going around the school.

Valentina was the one who was paying the food, she ordered up Chocolate Milkshake and some cheesecake, while Ace and Andrew was still ordering.

"It's weird.." Ace said, Andrew was confused about what Ace was saying, he didn't knew what he was talking about, the same for Valentina.

"What is weird?" Andrew questioned, looking at Valentina and then Ace.
"Remember the lights flickering and some of the lights being broken, in the school back then?" Ace questioned, he wouldn't forget what happened, it seems like someone was causing it.

"What do you think Drew?" Andrew didn't know what to answer, so instead Valentina was the one who answered the question.
"It's probably just the electricity school problems, we've seen it before." Valentina said.

"It's just weird.." He said, the waiter than gave the food that they ordered, Valentina than payed back.
"How many money do you even have Tina?" Andrew questioned.
"It's a secret." Valentina didn't want to tell the answer, it's just that she keeps many money a lot.

Valentina than took a sip of the Chocolate milkshake, looking around, the same as for Andrew and Ace.
"Do you even get cold sometimes Tina?"
"Why do you ask that kind of question?"
"Because it looks like you never experienced a cold weather before."

Andrew was right, it seems like Valentina was able to keep up with the cold weather with a straight face, Valentina seem to be focused on the food a lot.

"Andrew's right, how do you even keep up with a straight face during the cold weather?"
"Is it bad to keep up a straight face during a cold weather?"
"Honestly, I can't keep up with the cold weather sometimes, but I love it." Valentina said, while taking another sip of the Chocolate milkshake.

"You two ask a lot of questions." Both Andrew and Ace looked at each other, Valentina don't mind the questions a lot since she likes being around with people who often times can't keep their mouth closed.

As the three people finished, Andrew was giving something to Valentina and Ace opening the back door of his car getting something, the same for Valentina and Ace their were pulling something at their bag.

"Here." Both of the three said, looking at each others hands, full of two gifts for each of them, the other gift that Valentina was holding was for Ace while in her left hand was holding another gift for Andrew.

Both than gave the gifts, smiling at each other like some three idiots smiling outside at a restaurant.

"You guys better open the gifts when Christmas day arrives." Andrew said

"Christmas is almost here." Ace said.
"I CAN FEEL IT!" Andrew said, wanting to bust out and jump around.
"Can you taste the air of Christmas?" Ace questioned, acting like a dumb person while in the other side Andrew was acting just like Ace.

"Cut the dumb show Drew and especially you Ace." Valentina said, making both of the two look at her sighing.
"Alright, Maybe we should hangout?" Andrew said.
"At where?" Both Valentina and Ace questioned looking at him like he had so many ideas at mind.
"Anywhere you guys want." Andrew said

"Got any text from the two siblings?" Ace said, they are walking around, running out of ideas to do.
"No messages every since they continue their school year at their auntie's place." Valentina said while looking around, she enjoyed the cold weather passing by, maybe the two friends are right.

"What do you think Andrew's gift?" Ace questioned looking at Valentina as if she has the answer.
"Ask Andrew, I don't have the answer for that." Valentina said, putting her gifts inside the car.

Andrew seem to like her presence around she seems like a cool friend, and it's seems like when he needed someone to be there for him, she'd be there, so he wanted to give something in return.

Ace seem to also like her presence around too, he and Valentina would talk about astronomy and stuff, like theories about multiverse and talking about planets, so he actually did pick a perfect gift for her and his friendship with each other.

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