-----Chapter Eighteenth-----

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As examination came by, Valentina had been stressing and overthinking about not passing her examination, she needed herself to try her best on passing the test, or else people would look down at her.

As for Leon, he than parked his car near somewhere at a parking lot, he had bought food for both of them, it was almost evening anyway since he figured out that maybe he should eat at Valentina's house.

He than knock at Valentina's house, no one answered, he than knocked again, still no answer, this time he than pull out his phone to call Valentina.

Scrolling to his contacts, tapping the voice call button, the phone keep ringing and ringing, the house was quiet, Valentina had been putting herself on a bunch of things that made her stress, she tried doing what Leon said, but it's just stressful for her.

Come on why aren't you answering?, Leon said to himself, he had that idea on his mind, and half of himself was worried that something bad happened to her, it was Sunday, pretty much Valentina doesn't have anything to do, Leon knew it since she makes list on what she would do every day, it was pinned on a cork board at her room.

Since he knew law stuff and illegal stuff, he knew that going into someone else's house is a crime, he knows he was close to Valentina and of course he stayed at her house many times now, maybe he can go at the back of her house?

Walking at the back of her house, the sound of the grass being stepped by someone, twisting the back of her door, he was surprised that the back of her door wasn't locked at all.

What if someone breaks in?!  He thought, as he got in at the house, closing and locking the door as well, She could have locked it for her own safety, once again he than go to her room, seeing that things are clean, he told himself to go at every room so he can find her.

Coming across to her study room or whatever she had called it, just like the other rooms all of them are open, he noticed that the lights are on, this time the temperature at the room changed, he had noticed that someone was at the table.

"Ophelia?" This makes Valentina look at him, "Why are you here?" This time Valentina than wiped her tears away, clearing her throat again, fixing her own body posture, as if nothing happened at all,  "You didn't answered the door earlier..." Leon said, getting closer to her, she was seating at a comfortable chair, he was standing, she turned to right in front of him where he was standing.

This time he than low himself at the same level of Valentina's height, cupping her face, "Why are you crying?" He said, it was like a faint whisper, "Its just things are stress lately, and examination is coming soon." Valentina said, trying not to change her own tone, Leon than put his index finger under her chin and his thumb at her lips, without any word, he put his lips into her.

Valentina was shocked by this but didn't mind since she kind of needed it, her eyes aren't even closed, while for Leon it was closed, and it feels like the corner of his lips will shape into a smile.

Eventually Valentina was the one who pulled a part, she needed to take a breath, this time, Leon than put one arm supporting her back, and then put his other arm to her legs, carrying her as a bridal style,she was surprised by this.

He was reasonably strong, well he surely did lift many stuff, to the fact that he can carry Valentina, this time Leon didn't wanna forget the food that he had bring down stairs, he than put Valentina on a chair.

Leon than opened the food box, Valentina was once again surprised, but before Leon put a piece of food to Valentina's mouth, he putted her hair on the back of her ear, and the putting the pieces of food to her mouth.

"This is delicious, where did you buy it?" Valentina said, "My father makes it, he said that it's both special for both of us." Leon said, this made Valentina have more thoughts about the food, "Tell Mr.Bennett that he shouldn't stop making food like this." Valentina said, taking another piece of the food.

Leon sat beside her telling things, "I'm lucky to have you as my own girlfriend."

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