-----Chapter Fifteenth-----

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Valentina have already packed her stuff, helping Leon with his bag, coming across to the person who was playing the piano, Valentina have given the hotel room key to a staff member, Valentina can hear the sound of the piano.

She had described a piano as a sound of a judgement, and sadness, when she hears the piano, she often finds it very emotional, as she gets closer to the sound of the piano, seeing many people getting closer to it as well, people have been listening to it.

Seeing Leon the one who plays the piano, his eyes was focused on the piano, he was trying to remember the notes clearly, remembering the music, Valentina seemed to remember that sound, as for Leon he had felt like many people are looking at him, since now Leon knows the notes, this time he looked around.

People looked at him, some other girls admired him, while for the others they have sat a near couch just to listen to the sound of the piano playing right in front of them, he had caught himself staring at one person, and that person was Valentina, she was looking at him at the same time listening to the notes of the piano.

"Ophelia." Giving her a small sweet smile at her, the people who was seeing this doesn't mind at all, giving Leon a small wave, signalling him to go back home, finishing playing the piano, the others clapping and making a small cheer.

Grabbing the bag from Valentina, "Let's go back home?" Leon questioned Valentina, nodding as her own answer, Ace and Andrew knew this, smiling at each other like idiots, it seems like they have a silly stupid idiotic plan.

Putting her headphones on, all of them are already complete, and was already inside the van, Benjamin was driving, Alessandro just continue looking at the ways that his own older brother go, the others have continue sleeping, the only people awake right now was just Ace and Andrew, Valentina and Alessandro, since Leon have fallen asleep.

Ace and Andrew have talked about the relationship about Leon and Valentina, and it seems like they seem to like Leon a lot, they have talked about this before leaving, "What do you think of Leon?" Ace questioned, it seems like he have to judge and know what the others doing first, "Leon is a good man, I'm sure that he'll be better with Valentina." Andrew noticed that Leon is often quiet at the group, although Andrew made the move of talking to him first.

"Are you sure?" Ace questioned him again, he was making sure if Andrew was sure with his answer, it's like double checking the answer on the board in case they wanna change their own answer, "Yes, I am absolutely sure." Andrew replied.

"Then I'll have to agree with you." Ace said, well back inside of the van, Ace and Andrew was whispering at each other, they wanted to be quiet while their talking since the others are sleeping, except for Alessandro and Benjamin, they are sure that Valentina wasn't sleeping since she was listening to the music at her ears .

While for Benjamin he was sure happy about the thing with Leon and Valentina, he had put that feelings away, and rather support and be there for their own relationship, it's the best for both of them, since he wanted to continue he himself and Valentina's friendship.

And eventually, Valentina and Leon, and so as the others have arrived home, since the trip wasn't that long after they left early, Valentina had changed her clothes at her room the same for Leon, well Leon called his father earlier to check up on him and keep contact.

This might be the last day he's staying with Valentina, summer will be over soon, and he'll go home tomorrow, as Leon go to the kitchen seeing Valentina making something, the only thing he can see right now was the back of her body, Valentina noticed Leon looking at him, "You can wait up at the couch, the dinner is almost done, just wait up."

This time Leon shook his head, wanting to help Valentina making it easy for both of them.

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