-----Chapter Three-----

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Valentina was at the kitchen, making some brownies, she figured out that maybe she can treat herself for today, she than take a sip of the hot chocolate, the TV was on she was listening to the news.

Maybe after this she can continue drawing? After all she just finished doing her art, all she had to do was let the paint dry, with that hearing a knock on the door, she walked towards the door, only to be greeted by Leon, letting him come in at her house.

"What makes you come here?" Valentina immediately questioned, Leon than immediately replied.
"Can I stay for the summer?, I have got nothing to do this summer, father left with his friends to stay with them too as well." Leon said, he was gonna question Valentina where the guest room is, only to be caught off by her replying to him.
"Alright then, I'll lead you to the guest room." Valentina said as she helps him carry his bags, Leon was following behind her.

Valentina told Leon that she'll be just down stairs if he needs her, he was left alone at the room, starting to put his things to the cabinet, he hadn't been able to go at her house for over a while, he only got here once, he did got her house back then when their little kids, but the house changed soon enough, until it was taken care by her.

He saw rooms, and he must knew Valentina was very lonely, to have this kind of house by herself, he see many books shelf's at a room, he even saw many musical instruments in a room, there was more arts as well made by her.

Even though she was alone at a house she wouldn't ran out of ideas of doing things (she does ran out of ideas sometimes) he wanted to explore more, honestly the house wasn't that big not like a mansion, it's just that there's many rooms that are well organized including the books, it's like a library room, Valentina have kept the house well organized and well decorated and also kept it clean.

Walking towards the kitchen to see Valentina putting the brownies at a plate Leon would see her as a mother figure sometimes not because she wants to she just likes to act like a grown lady and much more mature, Valentina saw Leon only for him to walk towards her.

"Here." She said while putting a plate of brownies at the counter right in front of him, while she get herself some brownies Leon have seen her kindness multiple times, he would see her use her kindness around people that are much more older, he would see her use her kindness around his father she had her respect towards him.

And honestly it's like he saw her other side the whole time, not that other kindness he saw around people, it's that she have different kind of kindness around people, Valentina than walked towards the couch to sit, watching the TV coming across to a channel, while Leon just followed her eating up the brownies she makes.

Both of them would soon enough create long conversation, they would talk about movies, much talents, it's like they share the same interest.

"Art is better on you." Valentina said
"Music is much more better on me." Leon corrected her.
"No like seriously, art is totally better on you." Valentina said, looking at the TV and then taking a sip of the hot choco, Leon just looked at her.

"What's your favourite scary movie?" He questioned.
"That sounds like Ghostface would question that, but I do like Halloween." He just nodded, with that Valentina stood up and get the empty plates and cups to head at the kitchen sink and wash all of them.

But while Valentina was washing the dishes, the only thing that Leon is seeing right now was the back of her body, her front body was facing the kitchen sink, and with that Valentina felt a arm hugging her waist, Leon than buried his face to the crook of her neck.

"We should try watching Halloween later on, that is if you don't have anything to do later on." Leon said, Valentina felt his breath, answering him.

"Sure, I got nothing to do later on anyway." Valentina said, Leon can smell a small scent of her own perfume, while he just hummed as his own answer.

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