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As I stood up from my bed, going through the bathroom slowly opening the door, I look at the other side seeing my reflection to the mirror seeing how much messy my hair can be.

Reminding myself that I have to finish my school year, I'm sure I'm almost done with it, all I have to do was just finish exams and after it I'm done, I can do what ever I want after all of that.

Hopping at the tub, washing all the dirt that is attach at my body, now rubbing my hair feeling all the water sprinkling to me, it was such a great feeling that your taking a shower right? Wishing that you'd stay on the shower forever letting all of the dirty stuff out of your life.

It was hard for me, I mean sure is life is hard almost like nothing is easy here in this world but those people around me give me that type of personality much more likely expression of "deal with it".

Well I have got nothing to do with those all I have to do is finish things around me, standing up and wrapping myself in a towel, preparing the clothing that I'm gonna wear.

Putting the clothes on drying my wet hair, and after that I tied my hair, getting my bag opening the door of my room, as usual being quick on my day knowing that the time is not quick, wanting things to be quick and end it early.

I've always prefer to be alone at class I didn't mind being alone since I love the sound of silence, although I do get the feeling of being watched, well I just don't mind it and it's probably my stupid imagination or much more likely being paranoid.

I like it when I wake up early and then just look at the sunrise, as I sat by a bench admiring the sky, pulling out my camera taking pictures of it, incase I get boring I just do art.

Admiring the silence, only feeling the cold air brushing towards me, the weather gets cold here which why often times I would notice the other students bringing some sweaters and some of their jackets and coats.

Although I often times don't understand it, on why do human beings move like a doll, I know they might found it humiliating but I've wondered all of those every since I was just a kid, imagining things are not real and then laugh it and when I imagine something sad I'll be upset with it as well.

Why is it that I have a weird feeling about those stuff? I tend to mind the others since their humans and I'm a human too right?, Why is it that it's so hard to understand the others?

I don't understand, although what I only do understand was us students learning things from this world, some of them talk, eat, participate, I do have kept knowledge towards me, I have so many questions that remained unanswered.

Something is inside me that I don't understand, will I ever understand it soon?
I am sure it has been years and those questions still remained unanswered, no one is answering, I guess I have to play along with the others.

Being kind to them was good, I am sure I have seen the others being kind before just like my guardians and other people who are older than me, but what I have seen is that some other peoples own kindness is different, some peoples own kindness is not the same that I think of.

Some people take advantage of their own kindness, some of them use it for controlling the others, I thought that being kind to others was to not be dislike to people around you, it was weird in my own opinion.

With that I stood up now seeing the sun shining putting my camera at my bag, not wanting to break it since some cameras are expensive, now with that I than walked to a tree line street, it was lovely walking alone it was good for me that I can have my moment releasing those stress and sadness and let the air brushing it all off.

I wonder those people who walk around here would have their moment too, when I look around me I do see love some people say--"love is in the air" well it's for the others who even feels love in the air? Was it because those people who fall in love? It's lovely but they better not do anything bad to their own relationship or make it more much "toxic".

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