-----Chapter Eight-----

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And now here it is the last class for the day, since then studying is only interesting when you want to know things around you, I only realized it when I'm being aware what's happening around me.

When I think about it much more deeper I'll realize it, while I was writing notes, the others might be wondering why I still write notes at class even though it's the last class for today, because you might not be able to answer the question for the lesson, will never know what's the teachers next thing to do.

Nothing is much more excited than walking alone after school, hearing the bell rings signalling the classes for today have finished and ready to go, the lesson is done I understand it very much exactly as the bell rings.

Going out to the school, seeing the other students also being excited on going back home, it's the best feeling ever, that feeling after school, walking towards the tree line street pretty much it's close towards my street and other streets as well, I admired the silence pretty much

Feeling foot steps behind me, the sound of people talking around, I recognize that voice.

"Valentina!" It was Alessandro, he was running towards me, he wanted to catch up on walking? Sounds absolutely great towards me, I can finally have a friend walking home after school.

It was not just him, there was a person following behind him, now there's the two siblings going home after school with them? Absolutely great.

"Can my brother join?, Do you still remember the scary movie that we're gonna watch?" Asking me about it, I wouldn't forget it, just then he asked that question, there was a single water dropping towards me, it's not just a single water, there was more now that single water turns into a rain droplets, I wouldn't forget the umbrella at my bag.

"Shoot.. it's raining.." both of the siblings said.

"Of course it's raining." I was being happy about it since sometimes raining can be such a calming weather, as long as if theres no storm it's just the clouds being heavy and wanting to just pour all the water out.

"Valentina, do you have another umbrella?" Benjamin asked, as I checked my bag for a extra umbrella, it didn't have another umbrella at the bag, so instead I gave them the umbrella that I'm currently using.

"Have it, you two only fit at the umbrella together."I said, the only thing at my mind is running towards my street while the rain is pouring even though I get myself wet.

"You can't run like that while it's still raining." Benjamin said, it's like both of them knows what's in my mind, but I'm sure their just guessing around what's my next move.

"Yes I can, I know I might get sick, I just wanna go back home and rest there." I said

"Maybe we can just run and not use an umbrella?" Alessandro said having that kind of idea in mind, I'm not sure about it, maybe we can give it a chance?

"Maybe we can give it a chance?, As long as we got through inside our house." I said, already wanting to go and run for it

"Here have it your umbrella." Benjamin said giving me back the umbrella

"I'll meet you up 7PM, You said that earlier." He said while smiling, probably excited for the movie later on, with that we both separate our way, running towards my street, rain pouring, now with that going through inside my house unlocking it, feeling my shoes wet and got dirt on way back

Luckily class today ended early so I can clean up some clothes and shoes, I can't stand things that are dirty, I dislike it a lot, removing my shoes and turning on the lights, running towards the bathroom, already wanting to change to comfortable clothes

Maybe taking a shower would be lovely, removing my clothes off, turning on the water, feeling the water sprinkling towards me washing all the dirt off, it was lovely

At least the bathroom is clean, since then I would clean the bathroom often times, only to remove the stuff that I wouldn't use while showering, scrubbing the dirt of my body, so is scrubbing my hair, feeling all the dirt coming off, it was totally pleasant, showering while the rain is pouring outside must be very lovely

Washing my face as well, after it I than began getting my towel drying myself, changing into comfortable clothes, brushing my hair, checking the time it was currently 4:50 P.M having much more time at finishing my school works.

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