-----Chapter One-----

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Talking to a customer, Oliver was than helping Valentina out as well, it was the normal and usual afternoon, Oliver was just helping out some of the other customer, the only two workers at the shop honestly.

And soon enough they will be closing the shop, since they're off early, summer is coming by, nothing much really, and soon enough they will be shopping for school supplies, nothing else.

Well teenagers even young adults this days would have a party, hangout with their friends, some of them would just stay inside their houses with their family, some of them would probably be in a relationship which is lovely.

Honestly at this point Valentina felt kind of being alone, like no one was there to make a change, well to Alessandro and Benjamin they are good friends a lot, but Valentina have not received any call or even a message towards them, which was good at least their spending their time with their auntie.

Leon is busy as well, not quite busy at all, actually he did make a quite small change since he was there at the corner a lot, but in reality he is just a person who basically wears a serious face at the inside and wears it at the outside.

Oliver is like a brother, he was a buddy, they would even make long conversation while focusing at the job, as for Ace and Andrew they are just like Alessandro and Benjamin, they are both great friends, it's like they have Valentina's humor at the same time.

Scrolling to the page of the book, that Valentina had not finished yet, then reading the page that she have not read yet, seating at her comfortable couch, not bothering the sound of the rain.

While for Alessandro and Benjamin, both of them was just helping their auntie just by washing the dishes, Benjamin was the one who was tucking their own cousins to bed well their cousins are pretty young which why often times they are send at their auntie's house to take care of them, while Alessandro was the one who is washing the dishes.

Leon was at his house, currently finished all his works, his own sleeping schedule is doing alright, in fact that one time he stayed at Valentina's house, she had given Leon a advice, pretty much many advice, and he was going pretty well, insomnia would only hit him often times, but his health and things around him was going well, what he needs was to take care of his own sleeping schedule and keep it on straight track.

Ace and Andrew?, Ace was a lot more focus at the upcoming school year, but he didn't that much care about it, so in fact he'd spend most of the time at his family, Andrew was good at cooking so in fact he would probably be much more focus at his cooking skills, who knows? He might be a famous chef or even build his own Restaurant.

While Valentina? Something is often times wrong with her, but she would just put it behind her, since positivity was the one who makes her focus, Valentina would be a image of a good friend towards others, something was indeed wrong with her sometimes, something like she wouldn't know which kind of talent would fit her, and sometimes she absolutely did not understand herself.

If she ever questions someone and that question is weird, it feels like people looks at her like a clown, a freak, a weirdo, so sometimes when she does not understand herself, it feels like she just copies the others personality or even their own emotions.

The others may seen her a pure and kind angel, but it feels like God was the one who failed her, she was just dropped at earth, to make a change to reality, on what kind of change? Was to be a part of them? To be them who would move like a robot?, There was so many questions that she did not understand at all.

She did focus at the positive side, at the same time she absolute feared she might end up just like them who would move like robots, she absolutely didn't understand it all.

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