-----Chapter Five-----

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Today was usual, since it's Saturday, there was no school works, I just finished eating dinner this afternoon, I was planning to go and visit Leon today, I have to check him up we have been texting for the past few days.

He was talking some stuff working with his father and helping him, since its Saturday, it means that Mr.Bennet and Leon have a break, I was heading up to their house.

In the other side I came across to Alessandro and Benjamin earlier they said that their gonna go and buy some stuff, I was planning on buying some more books later on after I visit Leon.

As I arrived, knocking at the door, Mr. Bennett than opened the door not expecting me to visit them, I than greeted him.

"How is everything in here?" I questioned as I sat at the couch the same for Mr.Bennett.
"Everything is fine." He said while making a small smile, and then looking at the TV.
"How is Leon?" Mr.Bennett than stopped looking at the TV.
"Leon can't sleep sometimes, he still have sleeping problems." Mr.Bennett said, as I stand up.
"I'll be just at his room." I said, while Mr.Bennett just nodded.

Walking towards the hallway, finding his door, I than knocked but receive no answer, I than slowly opened the door, looking around the room, only to see him doing something at his desk.

"Leo?" Leon than looked at the person at his doorway, his own expression changed, the mood in the room changed, Leon than slowly got up, and walked towards me, and then hugging me.

"You still can't sleep sometimes, Your father said." I said, hugging him back, pulling away.

"I take your advice, stuff here gets better but sleeping schedule is messed up." He said, as I walking in at the room, I than sat at his chair.

"But I love your gift." He said while smiling.
"Well that's nice." Walking towards me, he than take my hand, making me stand up, he was leading me to his own bed, he than got at the bed pulling me, and covering ourselves with a blanket.

But then Leon looked at her, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to ask for her permission first.

"Do you even get enough rest?" Valentina questioned him.
"Sometimes." He said, but now he wanted to confess to her, but not just by telling 'I like you' he wanted to do something, like an act, like a quality of time, not just by a physical of touch, or giving hints to her just by hugging her.

"How are things around you?" He questioned.
"Good, nothing that much really." He nodded, as he go closer to her hugging her, and of course Valentina hugged him back, he didn't want him the only person hugging her, she wanted to return the hug back.

"Evening hasn't come yet."
"It's better if I try sleeping, it's afternoon
it's a great time to sleep." Leon answered her back, he than grabbed her hand and put it at the top of his hair, Valentina knew exactly what he wants as soon as he put her hand at the top of his hair.

Leon always felt that feeling around her, the presence around him would change if Valentina came around, everytime he felt that feeling, he wanted to confess to her immediately.

"I'll be going later on, so if you need something, as long as if theres more time, I'll be here." Leon didn't answered her.
"I need to buy some books later on, alright?" Valentina said, running her fingers through his hair, Leon just nodded with it.

Leon wanted her to stay really, he wanted to still feel her presence around all the time, I mean even thought she is away, Leon still felt that Valentina is still alive of course, although when he feel something weird or something bad, he'd immediately check on Valentina, he didn't want to lose her, well of course she was really important to him.

She cared a lot.
She would check up on people.
She is like a nurse or even a therapist.
She is important towards him.
She was there for him a lot.

The only thing that Leon wanted to make is that he wanted the relationship to be useful for each other, he wanted their relationship have a meaning for each other, he wanted the relationship to be very important a lot.

He did want to confess to her, but he didn't wanna rush yet so he have to wait for the right time.

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