-----Chapter Seven-----

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Surrounded by people talking, and eating even some of them drink some champagne, for Leon he had asked for Valentina to go dinner with him, Leon was glad that she was here, he had asked her many times now, its usual for both of them, since back then they would eat food after school ended.

And of course Valentina was also glad that Leon asked her for dinner, they would talk a lot about something, they also talk about music genre, and much more, Valentina felt comfortable around Leon a lot, which is why she enjoyed talking to him about many things.

Valentina than took a sip of the drink, she didn't ordered champagne of course, for Leon he was talking about something, about musical instruments, he did played a guitar and some drums, quite many he just enjoyed musical instruments since he thinks that musical instruments matches human beings own emotions, just like what Valentina thinks.

A small sound of the music was played, and of course everyone ignored it, Leon took a slice of his food.

"What do you think about the two siblings?" Valentina changed the subject.
"Their quite good, Alessandro is a talkative person, well as for Benjamin he talks about music genres." Leon said, it was evening, the moon was shining, there was lights at the street, the stars looks like a small white polka dots.

As both of them finished talking and eating, Leon have said that there was one more last place they should be going, which is the beach, people are at the side of the street, cars passing by, some of the people are joyful, a sound of laughter can be heard from a distance, many adults going for a walk and creating conversations, as for the other teenagers going to a party enjoying their life, as if it's their last moment or their last night being alive.

As both of them got out of the car, being welcomed by the slight wind passing by, the sound of the ocean waves, the moon was shining giving a reflection to the ocean, it's a perfect timing for Leon to confess.

"Ophelia?, Can you help me?" Leon said.
"About what?"
"Well I'm interested to this one woman, she was kind towards me, and I don't know how to confess or which time to confess." Leon said, He wanted to tell it to her already, he hoped that Valentina knows it already.

"Confess to her already, before it's too late, someone can replace you, if your close to her confess to her already." Valentina replied back, a wind was passing by.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?" He said, he totally didn't ignore that reply, he asked his friends already, and talked about confessing his own feelings to Valentina.

"It is." Valentina said, she didn't even actually knew what he was talking about not one bit, even though she had heard it many times around people she didn't knew, she was lost by it, but she knew what to reply back to Leon.

"We should go back, and get some rest, since tomorrow we'll be going in a summer vacation." Valentina said, standing up, the same for Leon, beginning to walk at the parking lot, driving back at my house.

Both of them would continue to talk, rather than a awkward silence only can be heard around them, Valentina have thought  it's much more better if they continue the conversation, Leon was focused on driving, but yet he still talks.

As soon as they reached the house, Valentina unlocked it using the key, she than opened the door, removing her shoes, the same for Leon, the street was silent, although there was street lights, especially the moon shining brighter creating a light just like the street lights.

Drinking a water and then walk towards Valentina's own room, getting ready to sleep, she than prepared her clothes, removing her used clothes, the sound of the shower can be heard at the bathroom, begining to wash the dirt off, tonight must be good for both Leon and Valentina.

As Valentina got off the shower, changing into her night clothes, she was already prepared for tomorrow since she was quite excited to see the group again, since she got along with the others well, especially with Andrew and Ace, that's the reason why she was already ready for their own summer trip, she was comfortable around them since Valentina didn't notice anything wrong at all from the group.

They did grow mature, and busy with their studies and soon enough their careers would be next, and some of them would grow older and have a relationship with someone which was absolutely good for them all, But for Valentina she wasn't sure of what will happen to her at the future, she is not sure if she would have good relationship with someone, she was sure about her career and her own health that was on her mind the longer she grew older.

But what she didn't knew was at the end the person would stay at her until death was Leon.

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