-----Chapter Ten-----

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Valentina was than awoken up, by the sun rising up, she noticed that someone was sleeping beside her, noticing that Leon was just sleeping beside her, she had guess that the other bed is not comfortable for him, or just can't sleep on that bed.

She did quite remember what happened last night, the others have left going back to their hotel rooms, Leon and Valentina was just left alone, at the pool, Valentina was just drinking some juice that Leon have gave her, and eventually got back to their hotel rooms since, both of them have felt tired.

That was all she can remember, as she tie her hair, since she have finished changing her clothes, only to hear a groan from Leon, who was slowly waking up, she than walked towards at the bed.

"Keep resting." Valentina said, Leon didn't clearly heard what she have said, this time he stretched up, and then slowly open his eyes, to see Valentina clearly.

"Good morning." Leon said being lazily, of course he must be hungry since he just woke up, Valentina than replied to him, "Good morning, wanna go down and eat?"

"Sure, I'll just change." Leon was quick at changing clothes, not wanting to make Valentina wait long enough, Valentina have closed the door, with Leon following behind her.

Reaching the elevator, Valentina and Leon pretty much didn't talk, since there was no food at their stomach yet, seeing a empty table, Valentina than ordered the same for Leon.

This time both of them have began talking to each other, the sun was shinning early in the morning, the hotel was quiet since the others are still at their rooms, the others have began eating.

"Ophelia?" Leon questioned, it feels like Valentina is zoning out, she just had thoughts going on her mind, she than looked at Leon, fixing her own posture again, "Yes?" She questioned him back, "Are you alright?, Your zoning out earlier." He said.

Their own order finally came, Valentina have already payed their own food, she than muttered a 'Thank you', while Leon was waiting up for Valentina's respond.
"Oh I'm all good." Valentina finally respond, this put a small relief inside Leon.

Valentina have started eating, creating a small conversation, until both of them have finally finished eating, she was waiting for Benjamin and Alessandro's text since both of them are the ones should know what they should do later on.

Both of them was just roaming around the hotel, until they got outside, feeling the air passing by, Valentina love it when both of them just roam around outside, she just wanna keep herself attached on reality the same for Leon.

Not even knowing the time was moving fast, and soon enough Alessandro and Benjamin have began talking to each other what to do next, they have ideas on their mind, and they wanted to do it safely not with trouble, they wouldn't love a trouble on their hands.

Alessandro have that idea on his mind already telling it to Benjamin, "A Museum nearby? I saw one while we're arriving at the hotel." Alessandro said, museum are usually good for all of them, it's not that museum is bad for all of them, since it's been a long time since they haven't gotten to a musuem to any far away places.

It's not just museum was in their mind, there was beaches, nearby as well, Valentina was unlocking the door of their own hotel room, Leon have finally lay himself at the bed, walking around was enough for both of them.

They have came across to Ace and Andrew, they are just walking around as well, a sound of the vibrating phone was interrupted, noticing a text from Alessandro.

"Me and Benjamin decided to go at the museum, is it alright for you?"

Museums are Valentina's favourite it's just that she can finally see some arts at the walls, and some art sculptures, she was interested to it a lot, beginning to type.

"It's perfect."

Alessandro was glad that Valentina was alright with it, beginning to text the other members, Alessandro was quite nervous about other people's replies, but in the other side he was quite excite to go with his other friends.

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