-----Chapter One-----

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"Do you think the others would be just good if Valentina can come with us?" Alessandro said while looking at his brother, and being overwhelmed by nervousness, he didn't wanted the night to be ruined.

"Alessandro, nothing will be wrong, the group saw her right?, She's been at the group, the others just didn't mind it and just be kind with her, the others just seem to be cool with it." He said while smiling at his brother, of course Benjamin was not the type of person to overthink that much, he was the type of person who is calm and gentle with words.

Him being the older sibling, he didn't want to see his younger brother being nervous, so instead to make him calm down just by listening to some music, and of course for Alessandro music was the one who calms him down, Benjamin than grabbed a headphones from the cabinet and then put it at his brothers head.

Alessandro than sat at the corner of the bed, while Benjamin was looking for a song to play, with that Alessandro than felt a music playing to his ears, although Alessandro knew the song that he was playing, it was 505 by Artic Monkeys.

Well pretty much Alessandro heard the song playing back then in his brothers car, he have to admit he does have a good taste in music, although Alessandro wanted to change it to something else, something much more perfect, although he might as well get used to this song already.

As he find some books to read at his room, waiting for his brother to get ready, while in the other side, I was getting ready, I was already in my clothes, as I tie my shoes I than open the door, locking it.

I was than greeted by a car honking outside my house, I than looked at the person inside the car, it was just Benjamin, while Alessandro is at the front seat, while I sat back of the car in the middle so I can also see them both.

The music inside the car makes the mood much more better, and sooner and later on the car would be full of Alessandro's friends, I'm sure I'll be used to it, it's not like I'm not used to it, I'll just be good with it.

As I put on my headphones, the car than stopped by on someone's house, greeting Alessandro and Benjamin, also being happy for the dinner after all were done with the first year stuff, we just need to celebrate it.

Soon enough, we than reached to the final house, although this time I recognize the mans voice, it was Drew's voice, he greeted the others and also talked to them.

"Hey Tina." He said, I than removed my headphones, looking at him and then replied.

"Hi Drew, how are you?" I said questioning him, since I hadn't seen every since earlier after we just received the scores of our test, glad that Alessandro added him.

"I'm good Tina, how about you?" He questioned, I than replied back.

"I'm all good Drew." I said, wanting to listen to the music that I was listening to earlier.

"Just a question, are you a fan of scream movie? And Friday the 13th?" He said while, getting something behind him, I than looked at him.

"Pretty much yes-" he than handed me out a paper, I than looked at it, seeing a sketch about ghost face waving around the knife, I'm sure there was more than that.

"You dropped this while your doing some weekly test, your good with this stuff Tina." Drew than said while smiling, I'm sure I've been practicing for the past years, and I didn't expect the sketches and other drawings that I made would be perfect the way I want.

"Maybe you should try doing sketches and other drawing stuff, I'm sure if you keep practicing you'll perfect it." I said, while taking the paper and putting it at my bag.

"I've been practicing for the past few days, so I think, I'll perfect it soon enough." While looking at the window, I than put my headphones back, not wanting to disturb the others conversation, Alessandro and Benjamin are talking while the others at the back are talking as well.

Sure enough the restaurant must be close enough, it wouldn't take long they must be picking which restaurant will we even go.

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