Chapter 1

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"Marilyn, wake up! Time for school!" My mother shouted from downstairs. I groaned and threw my blanket away so that I could stand up. With my eyes still close, I'm struggling to get up. I rubbed the back of my hair and walked towards the bathroom for a hot shower after sleeping with an air-conditioner on.

After having a power shower, I walked out of the bathroom. I opened my closet and looked at the clothes, figuring what to wear. I looked at the clock, seeing whether there's time. Apparently, there is. So I have plenty of time to choose my clothes and doll up. I decided to wear something simple today since it is the start of a new semester. I took a white blouse and black jeans shorts. I also decided to wear a black tie as if I'm the prefect in my school which I'm not. I then put on my black converse to match my outfit. For my hair, I decided to put into a messy bun. After I'm done, I took my backpack and went downstairs for breakfast.

"So, what do you cook for breakfast?" I asked my mother by the time I went into the kitchen but was stopped due to something hit me right in the face.

"Justin!" I shrieked my naughty brother's name. Justin is my big brother. He is seventeen years old. He went to the same high school with me except that he's a senior while I'm a sophomore. His ambition right now is to be the quarterback and also captain of our famous football team. But of course, he had to fight with other players to get that position. Currently, he has a girlfriend and he treated her very well. His girlfriend came out to be my best friend, Deborah. They already dated for two years and strong.

As for Deborah, she's also a sophomore like me. She is six months older than me. She somewhat had the same ambition as Justin except that she wanted to be the head of cheerleading. Yes, she is the opposite of me but that doesn't mean we cannot been friends. I've met her since the day I stepped into high school. She sat beside me for the first day of school and became friendly with me. From there, she and I became close friends.

"Did you just threw a pancake? At my face!" I shouted at Justin. All I see at his face is guilty due to him laughing hysterically. I took the pancake that he threw from the floor and threw it back at him which makes him stopped laughing. I smiled widely at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Who's laughing now?" I said, putting my backpack on the dining chair beside my seat. I sat down and my mother already bring my breakfast. She placed it on the table before joining us. Before I could take a bite, Justin asked her about our father. The same question everyday.

"Is dad coming home today?" He asked. My mother just sat there, shaking her head. This always happens. He promised us that he will come home a week before but still, he is not appearing on our doorstep.

"Can you try to call him?" I gave her a decision. Of course, she denied.

"You know that at the military base is hard to get signal. If we do, it only last for five minutes or less. Worse case scenario, not at all." She said, raising her voice. I just bit my lip and took a bite of my breakfast. Justin, who is sitting opposite me, just kept quiet as he was scared that our mother could blew us at any minute.

My father is one of the soldiers that is serving our country. I am proud that my father is one of those due to his braveness. He was rarely home and I always see him once within two years. He always said that he will come back home soon but it took like within half a year for him to reach in front of our doorstep. Due to this, my relationship with my father became further and further. All he do is delivering some money via mail so that we could pay our house bills every month.

"Sorry that I shouted at you two. I know both of you are worried about your father. I am too, sweethearts. I promise you both that dad will come home anytime soon, alright?" Mother apologized. We, of course, have to forgive her because she's our mother.

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