Extra Chapter: First Day in College

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Marilyn's POV

"You call me, so I assumed you're done packing your dorm room." I answered his phone call by the time my phone rang.

Well, today is my very first day in college. Right now, I'm busy searching my dorm room... alone, since every student helpers is busy. I'm literally dragging the two big, heavy luggage of mine and also, carrying a baggage at one side of my shoulder. First day of college and it's already bad.

"Not yet. Still resting at my home, shaking my feet." Elroy joked. Still can't believe that I will not see him throughout the semester. Yesterday, Elroy and I, of course, had a date and ended up in my room. I really gonna miss him so bad.

"Come on, Elroy. Start packing and go to college. It's going to be fun." I encouraged him. I heard him sighed at the other end of the line.

"It's much more fun being with you, baby." He teased. I could feel my cheeks red. I smiled to myself and answered him.

"I miss you." Even though it's just twelve hours after I left.

"I miss you too, baby." Elroy answered back. As I was grinning, someone walked out of a room and gave a warm welcome.

"Oh my god, are you Marilyn Torres?" She exclaimed and hold onto my wrist, causing me to almost dropped my phone.

"Yeah, I am. Who are you?" I asked her with an awkward tone. She started to laugh weirdly. Oh god.

"I'm Alicia. I'm your roommate." She answered. She?! My roommate? A girl with a weird laugh?!

"Great..." I trailed off. And there's silence. I then smirked and started to demand her.

"Can you please take my luggage and my bag for me? I have to answer this call." I pretended. She smiled and gladly helped me. I smiled and leaned against the wall, hoping that Elroy is still at the other line.

"Well, I didn't know my baby is bossy." He joked after I told him whether he's still there. I laughed and joked around.

"She has nothing to do. I rather see her do work than giving me more weird laughs." I complained.

"What a bitch." He kinda insulted me. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room.

"Whatever. I only know the fact that you're much more worst than me because you fucked more girls before while I just being rude for once just now." I then hung up and sat on my, surprisingly, comfortable bed.

My roommate sat on her bed, staring at me. I sighed and started to unpack my stuffs. I then started to hear her saying something, trying to start a conversation.

"Is that someone you are close with?" Alicia shyly asked.

"Yeah. He's my boyfriend." I answered her and gave a smile afterwards. She nodded and continued.

"Well, I also have a boyfriend. But I don't know whether we are officially dating or not." I turned around and looked at her. She looked uncertain and played with her nails. I walked towards her and sat beside her on her bed.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her. She sighed and tucked her legs close to her chest.

"We know each other in high school. We hang out a lot and everyone thinks that we are together. But, of course, since I'm a nerd back then, some popular girls started to interfere and the leader will obviously..." I heard her started to sob. Oh no, is she crying? I leaned closer to her and gave her a hug, rubbing her back.

"It's okay. I experienced that before. Now, weirdly, we ended up together so, maybe you have some hope." I said, being positive. She wiped her tears and took a deep breath before continuing.

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