Chapter 5

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(Outfit that Marilyn wore to the party on top)

"Justin, it's just a freaking party! It's not like he will do sexual stuff to me." I shouted at my brother right after he didn't let me go to the party. Right now, me and Justin are in my room, shouting at each other as if we are a few miles away. Luckily our mother is not here to witness this disaster.

"You never know, Marilyn! Also, it's fucking Elroy. He can do whatever he wants to you." Yes, he's right but that doesn't mean that I cannot take good care of myself when I'm there. I'm not a ten years old girl.

"Last time I checked, I'm not ten. I'm old enough to take care of my own self. Why are you so protective these days? Is it because of him hurting one of your friends?" I bellowed, walking around my room, feeling so stressed out. Justin, on the other hand, has an angry face and his hands clenched into fists as if he's going to beat me up any second.

"That is one reason. Last time I checked, Elroy always disturbs you and you hate it. Why suddenly you kinda side with him now?"

"Because I want to go to the party. I want to try to fit in. In school, I get teased a lot ever since Ryan left. So I need a little freedom. Please, Justin. Just once." I begged. Justin kept quiet for awhile. He looked down, staring on the floor, thinking. After a few seconds, he looked at me. He then walked towards the door calmly, making me confused.

He holds the doorknob and looked at me again. He smiled and said an unexpected answer.

"Nope, you can't." He then slammed my bedroom door loud. Loud enough to leave an echo. I groaned and stomped towards the door. I try to open the door but it didn't bulge. No way. Don't tell me that he just locked me inside. Couldn't contain my anger, I started banging on the door and shouted for him.

"Justin, you better open this door now!" I shouted while still turning the doorknob even though it's pointless.

"No, baby sister! You can't fit in with those kind of people. Also, your outfit is unacceptable." Justin replied from the other end. I looked down at my outfit. A jumpsuit, a denim jacket, a necklace that Ryan bought for me and a pair of brown high-heel boots. What's wrong with that? It's not too revealing.

"What's wrong with it?" I fight back, still not satisfied that he didn't let me to Elroy's friend's party.

"Your jumpsuit is too short, dumbo." He said as if I'm too stupid to realize. I rolled my eyes and just kept quiet. I dragged myself towards my bed and plunged myself. After being so quiet for too long, Justin knocked on the door, making sure whether I'm alright. Obviously not!

"Marilyn, you okay? I'm sorry that I didn't let you. It's for your own safety, alright." Justin voiced out. I ignored him and checked my phone. Still no messages or phone calls from Elroy. I guessed he is still on his way since the clock showed 7:45pm.

Out of the blue, my phone rang, leaving me a heart attack for a while. I looked at the caller ID. It turned out to be Elroy. I quickly answered the phone.

"Hello." I started off.

"Hey. I'm already outside your house. Where are you?" His voice was deep... In a good way.

"In my room..." I shyly answered.

"Don't tell me you're one of the girls that dresses up late." He teased. I giggled and looked out of the window.

"No. I'm not. Its just that I'm locked in my own room." I sighed afterwards.

"What? Why?" Expected questions.

"Justin locked me in the room because he doesn't want me to go. Now I'm stuck here, all alone and bored." I complained. I heard him chuckled at the back.

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